Miguel Ortiz

On the one hand, you’re correct, and people are dumb.

oh no

You should watch one of these videos with the description turned on. You will realize how off-base your comment is.

I get why you’d think that, but books have way more leeway to digress, elaborate, and dive into characters’ thoughts. Most books are way more verbose than a GM should be. (Except maybe Hemingway, but that’s a pretty high bar to reach when you’re narrating on the fly.)

I maintain a strict $1/hr rate for any game I pick up. Do I think I’m gonna get >70 hrs out of Forsaken + Year 2 Expansions?

Yeah, but what’s her take on a 4-3 defensive scheme with Manti Te’o at the Mike?

Everyone makes mistakes.

Ok, legit question, if Zero keeps losing, why do we continue to call him “The World’s Best Smash 4 Player?”

Thank you for your comment, JediKiller92

I apologize for making you read it. The article will be deleted momentarily.

As long as Sony is ahead of their competitors this gen, they won’t allow cross-play, Microsoft needs cross-play more than Sony.

No such thing as bad publicity.

More *CLAP* fashion *CLAP* articles *CLAP* on *CLAP* Kotaku.

That character looks like if Panty and Stocking did the Fusion Dance.

So then what’s the MLB version of not pushing the payload?

Did anyone else notice the singer of the song in the trailer appears to be Pauline from Donkey Kong? Your see her briefly at the end.

Now playing

Somewhat off-topic, the WBGamesLatino youtube page put up the Red Hood gameplay trailer early, he looks pretty damn dope.

Eh. With the exception of the Weasley parents, most of the adult wizarding community seems like giant tools.

I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way