Miguel Ortiz

It’s not that it doesn’t make sense; I understand what she’s saying, it’s about her words not sounding natural in english. It’s a tough line to walk. Either you keep the purists happy with direct translations, or you make it more accessible by “Americanizing” it.

For a second I thought you had unearthed the fist from the old MSN Messenger “knock on screen” animation.

Hey, it’s the “Stop having fun!” guy!

You get it.

I know it’s a reference to that one dumb line from The Stranger but could it also be a reference to the Flash game of the same name? The “Rewind Again” perk makes me think so.

Get him, Brian!

It’s just semantics. You understood it differently but they meant the same thing. “extending the timer” could mean delaying it but it can also mean resetting it.

Aww man, skeletal defenders won’t have the same properties as minions!? My Sylvanas!

uhm, weed can be vaporized so some vape enthusiasts ARE weed enthusiasts?

You’ve misquoted me and made assumptions about me, but you haven’t addressed the point I made that two intelligent individuals can remain friends even through discussion of religion and politics, so my point still stands. I don’t have to be nice to you to make a point.

Ok, first of all, I’m not insulting you for your view of politics or religion, so fuck your rebuttal.
Secondly, it’s simpletons advice because political or religious discourse doesn’t end friendships if the two having the discussion aren’t narrow minded ignoramuses.

Advice for simpletons.


Wow, wtf? I personally think it’s about time they came to using 3D models. Much better.

He’s done a bit of work with the Game Grumps in recent times.

People who were talking shit about Quiet are STILL going to be talking shit because she was designed by a man.

Apparently any male designed female character dressed in anything less than full on winter attire is automatically invalid as a reasonable character.

At least that’s the impression I get when people talk about

Welcome to online PC gaming.

Krillin looks like an Egoraptor cartoon. (Or what used to be Egoraptor cartoons.)


“Is he a mutant kangaroo or an ugly cat?”