Miguel Ortiz

Mike, can you really say that paying in advance for base video game content is not the same as paying in advance for downloadable video game content? What would you say is the main difference?

Oh, this is clever!

Why would you assume I’m upset? I’m directly addressing your own statements from your original post. I’m just trying to shed some light on the correlation between high-end graphics and one’s enjoyment of a game. Anyway, my question still stands.

Cool, so then this kind of tech doesn’t have to do fuck all for anyone’s enjoyment of a game, right? If it does, it does. If it doesn’t, it never had to, right?

So you agree there’s nothing wrong with high-end graphics if it’s a well-made game?

You make a good point but in the end you can’t say graphics engines bog down the gameplay aspects of a game. If a game director were to shove a pretty but untested game out the front door, you can’t really say it’s the graphic’s fault.

You know, I’m still not that jazzed about the control scheme either.

I was about to comment with the exact same thing. Japanese gamers might be a little salty knowing that they had to repurchase a game they already played not too long ago just to get a demo. Might have affected their approval.

Unfortunately the only way to prove a system is broken is to present casualties. With enough damage the system is compelled to change. That’s what’s going to happen here. Modders are going to wander in like moths a flame, just trying to make an extra buck, but they’ll get burned and warn other modders to stay away.

Still an investment of emotions that would have otherwise just not been there.

The fact that you don’t like him just means he’s doing his job and doing it well. You want him to lose, so now you’re doubly invested in matches that he’s in and tripley invested if he’s facing off against your favorite pro player.

No Items, Light Weights Only, Rainbow Road.

Seems like everyone is pretty... steamed.

Or George Takei’s Birthday

Because some gamers enjoy marijuana.

Sounds like Finals Week.

Mmmmm.... I actually really like the chatty dialogue. Her voice is pleasant and it just never seemed that ridiculous to me. All I hear is an awkward teenage girl having her awkward teenage thoughts. I’m a guy and I fully remember my mental rambling from high school. That kind of headspace over narrating is familiar to

That’s a shame.

Look man, you're still saying that it's ok for the port to be inferior. You know what's an important thing to focus on? Making sure your port isn't a downgrade. DoA5 is a game that is playable on a Personal Computer. You're just arguing semantics.

I'm sad to say I canceled my pre-order and picked up the PS4 version. I want to support the game but I can't support half-assed ports. That said, if the modding scene was insanely cool (and I don't think it's likely) then I would repurchase the game in a heartbeat.