You're still trying to excuse a downgrade. Like, if this was a PS4 game ported to PS3, fine, whatever, but we're talking about a machine with stronger capabilities. A PC game should NEVER be missing the features of its console counterpart UNLESS those features are console specific/exclusive.
You know aside from getting poisoned left and right, I actually performed better in combat exploring the cave. It's probably because the Imps were easily stunned but I found myself having a lot more breathing room to properly use L1. I got more Perfect Counters in the cave than the rest of the demo. I definitely have…
Fox is too... pudgy? I dunno; he's off. Same with the gray on Peppy's fur. Falco is alright, I like Krystal, and tbh I don't really care what could have been done to Slippy. Overall, I like the art and love the concept!
You know that makes a lot of sense. I really have been treating this game like Kingdom Hearts. In KH, it's more or less fine to rush into enemy clusters; you'll usually come out victorious. Thinking about this game as enemy management rather than enemy banishment definitely sounds like a good idea.
It doesn't belong. It's weak. Don't half ass a game commercial like this with Nu-metal. A brutal game game like this needs to go all in with Metal, Death Metal or 90's Techno.
I can't tell you how many times I just sat there holding Square and a random direction on the stick as I got ravaged by bone dogs, elephant bison, and magitek robots. all at once. The block/dodge button is USELESS in that situation!
Definitely agree on the movement and camera issues, disagree on the camping-to-deposit-XP system. I feel the hard work of a battle when I see that I've won the number of XP. It doesn't phase me that Noctis isn't immediately stronger. I'm more excited thinking about how strong he WILL be after a couple groups of…
Shop contest? Shop contest.
How poi of you, Brian.
Until the third act when it goes 3rd person.
I realize this article has been long dead for about two years now but I have question. How do you get Google Play to play through an album an automatically go on to the next album? Or is it possible to organize all songs by artist, album, and track number?
I get that some people want to stay realistic, but that's downright pessimistic, man.
Care to elaborate?
Well, I can't edit my post so I just want to make a statement. Adding "piece of shit" and "meat head" was insulting to those who enjoy and work hard for a muscular physique and I apologize.
You know what, man? You're right. "Piece of shit" and "meat head" were out of line and I apologize. I'll edit my post accordingly.
Are you assuming that all men want to look like a piece of shit muscular meat head? That's not my fantasy.
So, is there something inherently wrong with me because I like seeing the lingerie armor on female characters? That's the vibe I'm getting. I don't mind properly armored females. I'm all for it and wouldn't complain if that were my only option, but if I did have to option to have a female with proper armor or a female…
Am I the only grew-up-with-manuals person who actually likes the digital shift? They were neat, sure, but it feels like now we just want it because it can take up physical space. Nobody even displays them; they're forever tucked away inside a folding plastic prison. I bet half of you have only skimmed the booklets…