Not sure if serious.
Not sure if serious.
SHOCKING! I know...
What about ineptitude in human beings? I've seen some stupid people do some stupid stuff!
It's weird to admit this but I am fully behind Facebook on this one. They already have the most important factor, the user base, and using the Facebook Messenger app is stupid easy. If you message someone from the Messenger app and they arent on it yet, they will get a regular SMS message still while at the same time…
The Big Lebowski has been on Netflix streaming in HD for quite a while, not sure why its gone right now, but it says its coming back on Oct. 1st.
I say "rad," a LOT. Thats ok right?
Me: This is awesome!
Calling this piece of crap toy "offensive" or "racist" is dishonest. That caricature isn't any worse than any of the other thousands of political cartoons that have been printed online and in our newspapers. Saying this is "a big-gummed, big-lipped depiction of a black guy" is more offensive than the stupid device…
The "ideal" solution is to make internet a utility and stop charging for speeds and start charging for how much you use. ISP becomes the big dumb pipe they will inevitably become and they charge $1 per 5GB. I use 250GB a month and I pay $50 bucks. My Grandma uses 2GB a month and gets charged $1! No caps. No speed…
They didn't ask for the dish back. You can leave it on the roof if you want. I took it down because it was ugly. All they wanted back was the DVR box and the remote.
TV in banner pic is mounted like 6 feet off the ground! Great for giants and people that like sore necks!
When I canceled DirecTV, retention department straight up asked me what they could do to keep me as a customer. I said I'd keep the service if they cut my bill to $20 or $30 a month. They said it was impossible and just let me go with no fight. I took the dish off my roof and mailed all their stuff back.
"The problem with Android phones—a problem, anyway—is that for all the talk of choice, they can be remarkably undifferent. They lack a reason to exist."
That was not trolling. It was a serious point about a year 15 month old smartphone still leading in battery performance. People shouldn't have to install custom 3rd party ROMs just to have decent battery life. Normal users can't/won't do that. That seems like the biggest thing that Android devices need to work on…
I've been doing this ever since I got my polarized Ray-Bans. My wife still thinks I'm crazy when I leave my sunglasses on in the rain!
Oh look! Another broke ass Android phone the same as the rest!
I've yet to hear of an Android phone with as good battery life as the iPhone 4. Stock. No rooted custom ROM nonsense.
What "customization" can you not let go? What are the things Android can do that the iPhone wouldn't?