

Good. Let the show die with Spacey’s career.

Same. Time is my most valuable resource. I buy every game I want, but I never have time to play them.

You actually had a 3DO? That’s actually amazing, I never met a kid that had one, didn’t have rich enough friends! 3DO was $700 in 1993! That’s nearly $1200 in today’s money.

To be fair, ME:A isn’t very good, and the play time is padded out with tons of filler missions. Source: I’m almost finally finished with Andromeda.

My problem is the exact opposite. Mid 30s. Between family, work, and other activities I never have enough time for videogames. How do I make more time to game?

This is more of a problem with Yahoo’s design than it is his fault.

I don't "text." I use iMessage, Google Chat, Facebook Messenger.

Step 1: Don't do it!

Why oh why won't people shoot their video in landscape mode. Portrait video is the worst! How about iOS 6 update where you HAVE to shoot video in landscape? It would make life better.

I'm sorry but who cares how "green" it is, especially when LEEDs can only use FSC certified lumber, the majority of which is imported into this country. What is the cost of importing lumber instead of using our own renewable resources?

Instagram is awesome. People that think it sucks are following the wrong people.

Truth. But don't tell that to Joe Megapixel when he walks out of Best Buy with a $3000 LCD TV. "This one's got more pixels in it."

Hell half the networks are broadcasting 720p

Most of the time I do. But in the case of Zappos, I made it easier so my wife could log in with it and log into the ipad app with it. Shouldn't have risked it!

Awesome. Good to know!

My problem is that I actually have no idea what password Zappos was using, and I have no way to find out. (Zappos not listed in my LastPass for some reason). I don't want to accidentally make a new password same as the old password, and I need to know if it was a password I've ever used elsewhere.

This exact same thing started happening to my 4S a couple weeks ago. It doesn't do it all the time. Sometime I wake up and its at 100% sometimes, 96%, this morning 94%. Saw a thread on Apple support forums about it but nobody has any idea what's going on.

I have a Canon Rebel XT and several lenses that I've had forever and I need to upgrade. I've reached the limits of what I could accomplish with this equipment.