

This is what I said earlier but nobody noticed. :( I agree 100%. A KIRF of the rumored cheaper iPhone. 3GS parts, plastic finish, smaller screen, etc.

Didn't see anybody mention it but perhaps this is a KIRF of that rumored "entry level, lower cost" iPhone model? It would explain the use of 3GS style buttons and the matte plastic looking finish.

July 28, 2011

Hey Matt - why pander to the carriers by using their "data hog" terminology? Don't even use that phrase.

Agreed. This is the only orange juice we buy these days.


This is all wrong. Use lighter fluid. It's amazing.


I do not have the option either.

A ton!

I did not like GTA4 either. Still don't understand why people loved it so much. It was just the same old GTA I've been playing for years. Wasn't feeling it.

Shallowest depth of field ever.

I use Lightroom and Picasa both. Lightroom to import RAW photos, convert to DNG, develop and then export to JPEG. Picasa to organize, print, and upload the developed photos to the web. Upload to sync with Picasa Web Albums for sharing with friends and family.

Nice! So we get to ACTUALLY teabag!

Or we could just like, you know, leave.

The iPhone 3G came out in 2008. Its almost exactly three years old.

Yup. I'd have Verizon if it was available in my neighborhood. No joke, on my side of the street I am in "Qwest territory," but just a hundred feet away on the other side of the street is "Verizon territory." The grass is always greener!

From what I've heard from my buddies with Android phones, the version updates have not brought performance improvements. In the case my of friends with a TMobile myTouch 3G, he says it's been pretty much unusable after the last OS update!

Qwest DSL here! It has horrible upload speeds! 7 Mbps down and only 768Kbps up. Two weeks later and Ive only uploaded A-D of my 100+ GB collection!