
My Zune 30 is alive and well, I love it! Love having a dedicated music/podcast device in addition to my iPhone 4. I've even been paying for Zune Pass for the last 2 years. I love it. I can't imagine not having unlimited subscription music!

Not so sure about the rebar claim. I know of several places around the NW that are rebar manufacturers. Farwest Steel comes to mind.

I am torn. I love Clint Mansell but I thought the music in Mass Effect 1 and 2 already top notch!

No doubt.

The future is souped up 200 year old technology? I think not.

Seconded. I have hardly browsed Lifehacker and Gizmodo at all since the change. It's too difficult. Just found the "switch to blog view" here which makes it almost tolerable but still horrid.

@kasplat: Also in Portland. Great service. Never have any dropped calls. There is no reason for anyone around here to want to switch to Verizon.

I don't buy it for a second. Gotta be more of an age/sex correlation that anything that actually has to do with videogames.

@CoH: Yup, same here. Same with a lot of people around here I'm sure. The only thing I watch live is sports. As more and more of us do this, the only people left watching live TV shows will be the elderly, technologically illiterate, and the poor. We are doomed to experience an "Idiocracy" style evolution of our

@buttersstotch: Heroes sucks after season 1 but they should have ended like the Sopranos and just

This is why reality shows have viewers. Fat slobs sit around glued to the tube, watching shit live, making meatball runs to the fridge and back during the commercials. Meanwhile, everything I watch recorded to my DVR fast forwarding through commercials gets no love.

@jesusplzhelp: Arrested Development failed because it went up against Monday Night Football

Flawed poll is flawed.

@Brandon Laroussini: This is true, on the other hand they should be emailing pictures/videos. MMS is a lead weight holding us down.

ehhh its all non-retina and gross and pixellated

@saxleigh: Over the air is pretty much the best picture quality you can get! Not recompressed to hell and back by Comcast.

@ripfire: Also naked chicks get a free pass, they can keep doing this and then letting the photos get leaked online.

Can we all just agree that these self shot pics are horrible and need to stop? Everyone, please stop doing this.

Google Voice rules. Text messaging is dead. Long live text messaging!

@Adam Dachis: Good to know! Sorry, I missed that.