@steve131: I love ZumoCast and I can't believe it still gets no mentions around here.
@steve131: I love ZumoCast and I can't believe it still gets no mentions around here.
STILL no love for ZumoCast? Gimmie a break man. Yesterday I joked that Gawker gets paid by AirVideo, but now I know it for a fact!
Once again, ZumoCast "just works" and it's free alternative to AirVideo. I'm beginning to think Gawker has a financial interest in Air Video.
@RPR: this exact same thing happens to me constantly. I was in Gmail super early and got my first inital and last name, and every other fool with the same last name and first inital thinks its theirs.
Can't hide it now that you fucks let your shit get hacked and my credentials got stolen and added to probably every spammers list on earth.
@dherts: ZumoCast FTW
@dyowell: You're old fashioned.
@P3nnst8r: Now Buying Followers: You gotta teach her what's up. Don't let her buy into the anti-plasma hype. There are a lot of weird myths out there and "burn in" is a thing of the past.
@SirSpectre: The 1080p Panasonic G25 series is $1000 or less for 50" down to 42".
@P3nnst8r: Now Buying Followers: Answer = 50" Panasonic plasma
And yet plasma is still cheaper and has better picture quality.
Incredible Machine
Voice is dead. Also I use the voice and data simultaneously feature a lot more than I ever thought I would. I would miss it if I didn't have it.
Beejive rules. Tried Meebo recently "just because" I wanted to see if it could hang with Beejive. It is not as good or reliable. But it's free and Beejive is $10 still for some reason. Beejive is the best IM client on iOS though.
He'll shoot his eye out!
@FriarNurgle: It does. On the front.
@Obsidian: I too thought of Blade Runner immediately.
@irishfighter: Shhhhh! Don't tell them that.
So back to pirating then?
@verziehenone: Seconding ZumoCast. It's great.