@citrusfa: What is you biggest complaint/peeve about passengers? Watching the poor flight attendants on my flights last week, they somehow maintained complete composure in the face of some really rude people doing really selfish and foolish things.
@citrusfa: What is you biggest complaint/peeve about passengers? Watching the poor flight attendants on my flights last week, they somehow maintained complete composure in the face of some really rude people doing really selfish and foolish things.
@travershenry: "This phrase confuses me. If an aircraft looses an engine..."
@njndirish: Just flew 12 hours on four flights a week ago, and the amount of shit and size of bag people try to carry on is getting absurd. Granted the airlines brought this on themselves by charging $20-$25 bucks for checking a bag, but I can't help but shake my head at these cheap and selfish fools packing the cabin…
@0rion: [Rimshot!]
@greeze: ZumoCast kicks ass. I used it last week to stream MKV files from home to my iPhone 4 over Gogo in-flight wifi on Delta while flying to Ohio. It blew my mind. Picture quality was amazing.
What does AirVideo give me for $3 that ZumoCast isn't already giving me for free?
Joining the chorus for USB ports!
"Use Commonly Misspelled Words as Passwords to Learn Their Spellings"
Or don't use one at all because they're worthless.
How is that the original license plate if the tags expire in 1998? That doesn't seem right at all.
@snownpaint1: I came in here to post that this jacket IS the Marty Jr. jacket, its NOT the one 1985 Marty wore. Look at the photo. One of the pockets is broken and one sleeve is broken.
@wætherman: It says it does do video also.
@Vidit: 99 cents on iOS yo
@jbarr: putting a "G" for "generation" on iPhones and iPods is stupid and shouldn't be done. Example, calling the original iPhone the iPhone 2G is silly and makes no sense. Calling the latest iPod Touch "4G" makes equally no sense. This fad is as bad as people that spell loser "looser."
Ah yes, Eugene front yards... unmowed, brown grass, weeds everywhere, empty beer bottles yet to be picked up by the street ninjas, unmanicured, paint chips peeled off the houses and laying on the ground, rusted cars in the driveway, garbage bins at the curb on a Monday even though trash day is on Friday, longboards…
"Earth still looks like a virgin jewel in space—a precious gem untouched by toxic human hands, no sign of our species' uncontrolled greed. "
@Link2187: I also have a Zune 30, two of them in fact, and am a Zune Pass subscriber. I've been using the beta dashboard on the 360 and it's Zune Pass integration is fantastic. I also love my iPhone 4. I would LOVE a Zune Pass app on iPhone 4.
@tater_salad: iPhone app store has become remarkably more flexible in the last few weeks.
@xaronax: You can do this with the B of A app? What the hell? Why wasn't I aware of this?
@Jonathan Danna: I was under the impression that the PS3 can play MKV