
Been using the Movie Maker beta. It's VERY nice. I huge improvement from the previous version. Lots of added functionality.

@KStrike155: Oh yes dude this worked like a charm. You need to be shouting this from the rooftops!

Zune Pass should DEFINITELY be an iPhone app. I would be in heaven.

@KStrike155: Can you expand on this or explain it better? What do I need to do?

@Tim0Tim: I believe the Zune Music on the 360 is streaming only, same way as if you accessed you Zune Pass through a web browser. It shouldn't count as a device or a computer.

@triggerx: This is a good question. It should theoretically not take up a spot since it's essentially acting just like a fancy web browser. You're not downloading anything to the xbox directly to play offline.

@ima747: old school Xbox with XBMC will not play high def bro, this is why mines in the closet.

Chrome sync rules and I use Chrome exclusively, but I was using Xmarks for syncing my Chrome bookmarks to IE and then syncing the IE bookmarks to my iPhone. Anybody got an easy way to do this automatically now that Xmarks is going under?

@NaraVara: Been rocking the reef knot since it was posted on here. Changed my (shoelace tying) life.

25 or 250? 25 CAN'T be right! Otherwsie this post should have been filled with sarcasm and outrage.

First glance I saw the rounded corners of the white on black phone and thought somebody was making a BSG phone.

@bigPixel: LOTR reference in the actual post.

This is the stupidest thing I've seen a video and whole post dedicated to. This is the kind of this some other drunk dude at a party shows you.

I see this as a good opportunity for the independent movie stores to make a huge comeback.

This should be called "How do I ruin my music?"

@JakeMG: Ω Man: This = your point. I CTRL+F'd to see who mentioned the lack of Zune in this article and you were the only one. The Zune Pass is where its at. Zune Pass would be a compelling reason to get a Window Phone 7.

This is a good thing. I have an 11 minute wedding video I've been wanting to upload so I can share with family and friends.