
@fullsoul: Not a troll, just a little too blunt. The aspect ratio thing was an analogy. Some people claim to "like" to watch 4:3 material stretched out. I stand by the fact that stretching aspect ratio is just straight up wrong, it should never be done. I guess I'm a purist, I feel the same way about Predator. Clean

@Cimorene: Yep, the rosemary is inches from the basil and it is untouched. I'm trying the coffee grounds thing now.

@skywalker24: I could have used different words besides "idiots," "retard" and "fools," I'll give you that. Substitute "the uninformed," "full processing" and "people" and my argument stands.

@fullsoul: "I, for one, enjoy this detail"

@fullsoul: Your opinion is wrong. This is like broadcasting content in its original aspect ratio. If something is originally 4:3 it should be shown in 4:3. If idiots want to stretch it out then they can choose to stretch it out on their own, on their TV. If something is originally on film it should be shown with its

@可愛い兎: Yes, "stupid people." You negated your own argument right there. We need to educate the uninformed, not pander to their stupidity.

@DarthMonkey: Wrong. It can and always will be used for artistic effect.

@drsquirrel: Sadly, the videophiles and the true film fans and the people that KNOW movies, don't want all the DNR and other garbage. This is done for the lowest common denominator. This is done for the WalMart crowd that complains that there are still "black bars" on their new HDTV when they watch something shot in

To the people that think it looks good: "Nothin' but a bunch of slack jawed faggots around here!"

@GageGecko: You have shelf full of old "Fullscreen" DVDs don't you?

@GageGecko: The problem is people are uninformed and need to be taught the difference in right and wrong. That frame interpolation effect is not okay. Neither is this! Your opinion is flawed.

I've got a basil plant that keeps getting little holes chewed in it. Any ideas what is eating it and how to stop it? Interestingly, same herb in same location last year did not have this problem.

@AlexG55: That's awesome, I like it! We need to institute this into mainstream American tradition.

@Natemx: Two years ago.

@Maxis47: For the bedroom. Also the alarms on this thing are quite nice!