
@Miggity: Double post - hooray! You guys sharing servers with AT&T now?

This isn't new. I've had this exact same thing for my Zune for about two years.

This isn't new. I've had this exact same thing for my Zune for about two years.


@Brad Roth: They put it up against Monday Night Football!

This is a step in the right direction for television

As a Zune Pass subscriber and a 360 owner, this is awesome.

@mikeINbuffalo: 5. Spray Chipotlaway in your underwear to remove blood stains.

@Wozamil: And then Giz stole your iPhone 4 prototype out your bag?

@plazmatyk: No kidding, like a bunch of whiny pouting kids around here these days.

Shut up nerds! Just enjoy the shit.

I was giving my friends shit for trying to get to do their World Cup bracket and for not buying into the manufactured hype. "Soccer is boring man," I said. "Why watch something for 90 minutes that will end in a 0-0 tie?"

@Grive: It's pretty awesome.

So basically everyone with an iPhone is choosing "Hardware" and those without an iPhone are choosing "Carrier" just so they can justify it to themselves?

Battery life!

I have also been moved up: from September to NOW.

Frame Interpolation is a massive fail in the world of video. It is a scourge and a fad that needs to die like yesterday.

@sweenish: What you said doesn't make any sense, sorry. You have your technology mixed up.

VOTE: Zune Pass