A Bottle of Sunny D

Most all of them if you are a fan of murder, cannibalism, setting yourself up as a warlord, and bondage gear.

Yeah, this comes across more as a “how I justified pirating a game to myself”.

This is technically also a troll, so I hope it counts:

I swear those guys just use an internet random description generator!

Someone who would describe wine as “empyreumatic, grilled, spicy, smoky, and leathery” is someone I never ever want to drink wine with.

You might need to read more comics if all you see is Attack on Titan.

Yeah, I disagree. Medieval kids had to deal with a bunch of stuff that makes our kids look spoiled rotten. And they could still be scared by the right story.

They don’t have reasonable prices for anything else, I don’t know why they would start now...


Fry: You mean you have to choose between a life without sex and a gruesome death?

LOL financial independence. I think every generation after the boomers is going to work until they die.

According to the calculator, I’m going to have to invent an immortality serum before I can become financially independent...

I think you mean scalpers, not collectors.

Speaking of trolls...

How does it feel to be completely incorrect in every single aspect of your statement?

Let’s all remember that “dragging an element on a touch screen from one point to another to unlock a device” is a totally innovative and patentable concept. As are rectangular cases with rounded corners.

He’s the guy who co-founded The Pirate Bay. I’m guessing he has a LOT of fans around here.

Look at this badass! You gotta go over to that logic question post.

AT THE VERY START after negotiations MS pinned a single player project on them for no extra money, and no extra resources. That is being set up to fail.

What the fuck, Microsoft.