A Bottle of Sunny D

I could say that literally all I’m saying is that there are so many VR projects it’s becoming less and less special, and I don’t see how this can be viable. You even said in the article it’s meant for commercial use, so why get excited about being able to use personally?

It doesn’t really matter, I can tell all you

So another company is announcing a VR project.

In other words; Wednesday.

It’s a shame, but let’s be real here. P.T. was nothing more than a bunch of puzzles without context. Sure, the atmosphere was great, but there’s never a sense of danger because you have no real way of running away from something, nor any way to fight back.

Looking at this generation of consoles and looking at all the others; I find it interesting that it wasn’t until recently that they started looking less like children’s toys and more like blu-ray players.

“Assuming” means I made a statement without evidence or precedence...

Or, he was referring to making a single player game and selling it for $60. Let’s be honest, Valve is more known for DOTA 2 and Steam sales.

Friendly reminder; there’s not going to be a Half-Life 3. Listen to this podcast where Geoff Keighley talks with Gabe Newell:

There’s not going to be a Half-Life 3. Listen to this podcast where Geoff Keighley talks with Gabe Newell:

I guess Disney is finally ready to make all of the money.

That’s another thing! Nobody even says when pre-orders will be going up, they just... appear. Except Gamestop about a month ago, but we all know what happened with that.

Ouch, but they should’ve been steering downward toward the coins anyway.

Yeah I’m still baffled I actually managed to get the Splatoon 3-pack pre-order. I’ve literally never been able to pre-order an amiibo.

Also, hey Nintendo, you know what else would help? No more retailer exclusive amiibo.

The only multiplayer it has, as far as I remember, is a standard team vs team deathmatch. There may be more objective based modes, but I’m not sure. There is no co-op whatsoever.

Finally this game gets some love. The only way it could be better is if it had 4-player co-op.

Depends on if a woman slept with a man, even only allegedly.

How is paying for something that doesn’t exist yet not considered a pre-order?

That’s a fair criticism, but there’s not much point in criticizing something that didn’t happen. It’s all down to the reputation of the developer. It’s not like they weren’t up front about it either.

Episodic games are not normal nowadays?

You say that like people who backed it had to pay for the second half.

This has nothing to do with the question, but it just popped into my head. “VIDEO KILLED THE RADIO STAR. But VIDEO GAME DIDN’T KILL ANYBODY. Right Zach?”