And I have to say he’s right on the money, Alan Wake’s narration annoyed me to the point that I stopped playing midway through episode 3.
And I have to say he’s right on the money, Alan Wake’s narration annoyed me to the point that I stopped playing midway through episode 3.
But nothing wrong with “Dickami” or “Kockami”, right?
I can never take these comments seriously. It’s hard to hold things like this against a company if they turn around and release a quality product.
Waiting for some obnoxious dude with a 10TB HDD to come in and be like “lol optical discs”
Oh there’ll be one. Valve will make it an exclusive for some piece of junk peripheral that nobody would otherwise buy. Whether that’s their Oculus knockoff, an unannounced Kinect knockoff or an exclusive for relaunched “Steam Boxes” is anyone’s guess.
This guy ( is really good with posting links and has friends/followers that are also good about putting up links when Amiibo finally go on sale/pre-order. I put him on Twitter alert and that’s the only reason I’ve been able to pre order any Amiibo.
Yup, that’s pretty much me. If you had told me a year ago I was going to buy so many little plastic toys I would have laughed. Then I saw them and wanted them all.
Nintendo out of touch? Why I never....... :D
You can move up and down when you’re airborne.
The irony of you crying like a fucking baby about “SJWs”.
I will laugh at all the people who got this game on Day1 when I buy my Complete Edition for cheaper
Season pass is absolutely a pre order, frankly the worst kind. You are pre ordering dlc.
You did it Rocksteady! You SOBs! You made people forget about the $40.00’s.
He wasn’t rude. He addressed everything you say and gave you a spirited rebuttal. You’re throwing away off-hand dirty remarks about a game and it’s developers, GodHandCooper is responding to yu with facts and logic. “Impossible to have a conversation” my ass, GodHandCooper’s reply is engaging you with intelligent…
You sir, are a hero of facts. Well posted, I will reference many other dumb commenters to this post in the future.
Sorry, I’m just sick of people acting like they know how a game should be made instead of enjoying something that was made by an unfiltered Tim Schafer.
They’re not bad with money, they didn’t make enough money off df’s early access to continue development beyond a certain point. “Obviously, spending more money than we were making isn’t something we can afford to do forever. So, as much as we tried to put off the decision, we finally had to change gears and put…
They split the game in 2 yes.
Your comment is very very boring.