Who knows what hidden talents of Trump’s will be revealed once the piss tape comes out.
Who knows what hidden talents of Trump’s will be revealed once the piss tape comes out.
It might be less of a dig on the movies (which I agree, are solid), and more on how using movie stills as art assets for board games often gives you woeful looking board games.
As a Canadian, I can confirm everything you said. Aboriginals in particular receive more of the racism from police, I’d say, though I imagine the racial dynamics in Toronto (and surrounding areas) are pretty different from the rest of the country.
Fair enough. I know that the majority of people in the FC5 cult are brainwashed by a drug that essentially makes them zombies. I suppose they decided that was an easier way to set up shooting a thousand people, instead of depicting social pressures and group dynamics.
Uh, I wouldn’t be using Far Cry 5 as a primary source for how cults actually operate.
Equality under the law is the only equality the law can enforce. Society can enforce behaviour through lots of other means though. MeToo is an example of that. Companies bow to social pressure all the time (or in Starbucks’ case, want to appear to embrace it, and maybe really do.)
Because every situation in any Western country is solved by “equal rights under the law?” The law does not solely inform how people in society act. The law does not affect the reality of how police and the justice system treat someone.
The part where they lied, that’s what makes it a scam. Like if your doctor says you need to have your appendix out, you sign the medical waiver paperwork, and then the form actually allows for the doctor to remove your heart as well, that’s a scam.
Saying that she formerly went by Bruce Jenner and insisting on using that name now are two different things.
Saying that she formerly went by Bruce Jenner and insisting on using that name now are two different things.
It’s easy to talk about how shitty she is without shitting on every other trans person.
That’s every argument that bigots make to avoid thinking about their bigotry.
Victims of basically every random crime (which most of these encounters are) “would have survived” if they’d made different choices the day of their murder. If they hadn’t walked down that street. If they hadn’t of gone to that bar. If they hadn’t of accepted that drink. If they hadn’t gone out. If they hadn’t of been…
Not complying with police is not a capital offense. Making a jerky movement is not a capital offense.
Kids get free wifi at schools?
Even more satisfying than actually reading a book.
Civil War is really hurt by the bloat in the middle to get all the cameos into a fight. I think that the plot and central conflict are all decent bones to the story, but the script needed a rewrite that focused less on brand tie in and instead focused on the important characters (including Zemo).
I assume that every doctor, nurse, etc. told funny stories about their jobs, just like every other human being working every other job. We’re all gossipers and complainers.