
I’ve never met anyone who thought of addiction as a moral failing that wasn’t repugnant. They’re always completely lacking in empathy, to the point that I wonder if we’re vastly underestimating sociopathy in our society.

I’d be real shocked if anything came out of this meeting, other than Kirk winning a point on his predictions for the year.

Uh huh. I’ll be a lot more convinced that the left is being unhealthily represented when we stop living in a capitalistic hellscape.

If only that helpful quote had of been included in the article!

It makes me sad that I have no idea which of the story pitches in this thread are fake.

I understand the argument you’re making, I just don’t think that reality bears that out. This shit is worse than it was a few years ago, and it hasn’t been made worse because we’re sweeping it under the rug. It became worse (partly) by giving it a podium at the debates.

Fox News has been playing the martyr for 20 years; all the alt-right talking points are just an extrapolation of the “War on Christmas.” Alex Jones became popular by hosting a radio show, not by printing an underground newspaper. Media influences people by reaching people. And anyway, no matter how extreme the

Youtube already bans videos for being too prominently LGBTQ, even if it’s something like “how to come out as transgender at school” or whatever, so it’s not like we’re in some completely unrestricted zone now. Trans erasure happens constantly. So since those tools are already hurting people that don’t deserve it, I

I just don’t see that logic tracking.

And apologies if anything I said came across like an attack on you. Sometimes it can be difficult to moderate tone in a comment section. Have a good one!

I just don’t think that metaphor holds true though. Nazis aren’t roaches. Nazis thrive in the spotlight. Richard Spencer loved having that dapper profile written about him.

I agree with that completely. I’m still waiting for the OP to explain how giving shitheads a widely-accessible form of communication and organization hurts them.

I’d rather hang out with cosplayers than men in suits. The material harm that one group has enacted on the world compared to the other is easily demonstrable.

Jesus Christ that’s a fucking gross story. That poor woman.

I think the OP is making the argument that the media we receive is reflective of the way people (mostly men) conceptualize conflict and these events, not that the media is responsible for those events.

If only there were a hashtag to make fun of that...

Nothing says “I’m a comfortable with myself” like telling everyone else how their passions make them children. Everybody knows that adults only enjoy cooking shows, classical music, and shitting on other people for having harmless fun!

DC’s shitty, gloomy track record is kinda the point though, no? A Shazam movie seems like a strong statement that they are going for a different tone.

I would MUCH rather the Shazam movie be too goofy than not goofy enough.