So are you saying that we (people that are opposed to the alt-right) would be better served by having alt-right people exist on mainstream platforms?
So are you saying that we (people that are opposed to the alt-right) would be better served by having alt-right people exist on mainstream platforms?
Those rules that you posted seem to explicitly allow what she is doing. “Attire in gaming streams, most at-home streams, and all profile/channel imagery should be appropriate for a public street, mall, or restaurant.” Her cleavage is slightly exaggerated for the camera, but that’s more camera positioning than…
1) Are you saying this is against Twitch and Youtube rules?
If that was true than the streamer wouldn’t be in the corner of the screen talking to you. Twitch is about interacting with someone as they game, and if you have a problem with that someone being a woman with boobs you don’t have to watch the stream.
Do you also complain that movie or pop stars are typically attractive? That there are attractive people in ads? What about how professional athletes dress? Why aren’t models just regular uggos?
If men can’t handle seeing some breasts they’re going to be in big trouble when they discover advertising. But I guess there’s a lot less complaints when Don Draper sells something with sex than if a woman does it herself.
Knowing that they made the other ending is enough for me.
It’s confirmed. Your name is definitely appropriate.
I don’t specifically disagree with what you’re saying, but I do think this mindset helps the continued proliferation of guns. Taking the guns that are already out there is probably an impossibility, but that doesn’t mean that steps shouldn’t be take to restrict the sale of guns.
If you don’t have a gun and the intruder does then you are dead 100% of the time.
The OP wasn’t saying that in a showdown between an armed intruder and an armed homeowner, the armed intruder is more likely to get shot.
At the very least let’s make mental health care mandatory for the wealthy.
If a person working in a customer service call centre said they would tell a caller that talked about suicide to “Do it!” and then hang up, that guy would get fired too. The company would be worried that that caller might go on to kill themselves and the company would look like shit and possibly get sued. This is…
People already don’t extend other people basic compassion in a multitude of ways (see: race, gender, sexual orientation, income level, etc.) Someone saying that the think about killing themselves “to get attention” isn’t going to contribute to global apathy.
Ok. Well that’s at least three different interpretations of what he said so I’m just gonna leave it, if he wants to defend himself he can. I still think that most of the people here arguing are on the same side, but I’m not going to fight with anyone about it. I didn’t mean to come across as an advocate for anyone,…
Ok. I didn’t read it that way but I don’t really know what Dr. Lizardo intended. He hasn’t clarified so... I guess he’s not really worried about the confusion either way.
Well A seems like it applies to you, so I suggest you take your own advice. Adios!
Next you’ll be telling us about the melting point of steel beams.