
I more meant to the broader point “Why can’t there be standards at all?”

I think people become police for a number of reasons, and some of those reasons are bad. “Institutionalized” refers to the bias that exists on every level of the justice system, not just particular cops being racist. The damage a single racist cop can do is far overshadowed by how the justice system operates on a

To institutionalized racism or your dry cleaner?

“Also, the term he used was coined by Malcom X for a black man that’s designated to be indoors, rather than perform back breaking labor in the fields, so I thought the joke was somewhat clever due to its historical significance.”

If you’re really so eager to engage, how come you didn’t engage with what hocuspocusoctopus said?

I can’t believe you found four other people that have also never used the internet to star that.

Dry cleaners aren’t armed and authorized to use lethal force. When the most dire outcome of racism is an over-starched shirt, we’ll talk to him.

Somebody’s a real comma-slut. You love that little dangly bit, dontcha?

“Having a biased against an entire career path because of the bad eggs, is equivalent to my relative being racist because of the negative encounters he had towards black people.”

But the question wasn’t “Are cops racist?” Yes, that question might have a lot of nuance to it.

The side in power needs to put forth a good faith effort. You are comparing “fuck you” to violence, oppression, incarceration and murder. They are not comparable, and if you think they are then you’re a lost cause.

That literally is happening, and you are trying to bring in a stupid metaphor to obfuscate. You trying having the discussion.

I have all the food and you don’t. If you’re cool, you can have the crust off my sandwich, lick out this soup bowl, maybe even get a whole juice box.

Human rights are not up for “compromise.” Once minorities are demonstrably treated the same as the majority they can be held to the same standard, until then it is the system that is at fault, not the individuals trying to navigate it (except for you, you’re clearly at fault*).

The police are supposed to protect and serve, not the populace. It is not a citizen’s job to show respect to the police (whether or not it is a good idea is irrelevant, no one is legally required to show respect to police), it is the police’s job—to quote a great man—to serve the public trust, protect the innocent and

Two points about “cunt” that I’m not bringing up to discredit what you’re saying, but to highlight the grey area.

It seems to me that once someone is filming themselves and putting it on Youtube, they’d lose any kind of defense that it was hyperbolic, heat-of-the-moment “just talking.” You had to fucking edit that garbage, if you didn’t mean what you said then you should have made a cut.

How civilized!

You said it, not us.

Disrespecting the flag is a bullshit “big deal.” Burning a piece of polyester made in China is a big deal, but sending soldiers to die in pointless wars isn’t? Or telling voters that you will protect their healthcare and then slashing their coverage isn’t? Your definition of patriot is fucked.