“Man, I’m gonna have to fold that fucker like two hundred times to get it in the deposit envelope!”
Not sure where you live, but some retro game stores could sell you an GBA SP for a good price, if you’re looking to play some GBA games.
Agreed. They have refined a lot of the mechanics but there hasn’t really been much of substance added for a long time (arguably the biggest change was when they added another continent and another 8 gyms to beat after the first time beating the Elite 4, but that’s a few generations past now).
God, I hope not. That’s 95% of the time I spend on Kotaku.
That shit just happens!
Haha, no doubt. I’ve definitely had moments where I worried for the friendship.
So much more fun to play that game with someone!
I can’t imagine wearing something so thoroughly designed to facilitate wedgies. I got wedgies covered, man.
I don’t think you can call yourself the SILENT MAJORITY when you post complaining about a poll, which for some reason offends your sensibilities.
“I assume this is about Nigel Wright? Yep innocent.”
Sorry, I was responding to “Still have yet to see any proof how socialism has panned out favorably for ANYONE... EVER... IN ALL OF HISTORY...” not the bullshit, goalpost-shifting thing you wrote in response to me. My bad.
Yes. Thank you.
That doesn’t address the time cost though. If I was driving I would spend 30-40 min a day in the car. As it is I spend 2 1/2 hours minimum on the bus (that can easily be extended an hour if traffic on the bridge is shit, which it is, a lot).
I actually think you were DennisReynoldsGoldenGod-centric in your explanation.