
Because it’s easy for him! So clearly it is easy for everyone!

I don’t think “great” is a criteria that TLC holds its programming to.

Cause if you fuck it up your brakes don’t work.

In all fairness, I did say “most.”

“Clearly she does or else she wouldn’t have taken the stand she did.”

I don’t think that most people are upset because it is reducing the complexity of the issue. I think most people are upset because they don’t like immigrants.

“Aboriginal treatment was regrettable” is such a hand wave to decades of instituionalized racism and cultural genocide. The last residential school closed in 1996 for God’s sake. It’s not “regrettable,” it’s disgusting and abhorrent. The fact that you are able to gloss over it speaks volumes about you.

The US kills the equivalent of 9/11 every few months. If you think these are all “terrorists” then you’re misinformed. And I keep getting reminded how the US is a nation founded on Christian principles by Fox News (so it must be true). Christians are killing way more Muslims than the other way around. From Wikipedia:

I’d be happy if Kim Davis actually read that Bible she waves around and paid attention to what Jesus was talking about. She can think whatever she want, but she, like everyone, should get fired from their job if they don’t do it.

Oh wait, you were serious?

Illegal and immoral are not the same thing. An illegal immigrant may be breaking the law, but that doesn’t make it a good or just law.

Unfortunately ideas last a lot longer. And anyway, when America gets to the point where their biggest problem is terminology, it’ll be a good day. Until then...

Ok, but Captain America punching Hitler months before the US entered WWII is most definitely a political statement.

The dialogue they use for this militia group for example, is a callback to the sort of cartoon supervillainy you’d see thirty years ago.

Technically, I think it’s just your politicians that are fear-mongerers.

Yeah! The thing this country was built on: fucking over the indigenous population, total economic mismanagement and criminal abuse of power! Vote Harper!

You could say that about any religion. They all have their bad sides, the biggest differences are historical. Namely, the United States has been killing Muslim civilians for decades (and yeah, some terrorists too).

Islam is no more intolerant than Christianity. There are good Muslims and bad ones, just like Christians.

You’re crazy if you don’t think that the vast majority of refugees are just people trying to get out of a fucked-up situation.