
He actually types all this with a blindfold on.

They are fictional characters with a belief that they are acting upon. If you agree or identify with that belief that’s on you.

Whatever happened to tolerance? Or is it selective tolerance?

That would be people trying to make better lives for themselves, right? They are also the villains here?

Nice set up and delivery.

under the pseudonym “Author X.”

Even beyond game devs, this is a recurring theme of life. If I email you to ask when I can expect something, don’t make me wait a month to say “It’s ready now!” Tell me it will take a month.

Films are absolutely considered art. No one would argue that a film has to be written/directed/starring/financed by a single person to be considered art. How many people worked on Oscar movies like Lincoln or The King’s Speech or Black Swan? Or action movies like Fury Road? Yeah, Transformers also was made by a

What other valuable piece of “culture” has $100 million budgets and teams of over 500 people?

Agreed! Now let’s all look at this cool gif. Check out that backspin!

I get that, but how many articles do you have to read like this before you go, ok, my realistic budget is $80,000, but I should plan for $160,000 because every single game budget runs dramatically short of what it actually needs?

Especially since there are a million articles like this one. At this point “I underestimated the costs” is becoming a pretty lame excuse.

That really jumped out at me too. If somebody can’t invest themself enough to put their real name out there, how could you trust their intentions?

Getting a third of your budget by lying to people and keeping your fingers crossed for the rest hardly screams “good management.”

Holy shit that looks awesome.