Doesn’t it, though? He is every econ/policy sci dipshit I met there. And every guy there was a bro. ALL OF THEM
UPDATE: Last night my boyfriend and I were talking, and he mentioned “that Republican who tried to fuck in the bathroom.” My response? “Oh, Larry Craig! He and his wide stance were faxing his emails in every airport bathroom in the Midwest.” BOOM.
OMG YES. I am 100% committed to using this as often as possible and making it a THING.
This has been a thing for millenia. There’s even a post-Classical Roman phrase, “Post coitum omne animal triste est”, meaning “Every animal is sad after sex.” Of course, the phrase sometimes continues with “praeter mulierem gallumque,” meaning “Except the woman and the rooster.” But that has more to do with some…
I have a cousin named Clint Gentry, which I think somehow manages to be even whiter. He is also a garbage human in the whitest way possible (making his wife support them both so he can pursue is Ultimate Frisbee hobby. Not even kidding.)
Omg, yes on the change in attraction. I had a boyfriend who I met while I was on the pill, who I thought was the HOTTEST MAN EVER, right up until I stopped taking it. After that, I couldn’t stand the way he smelled, couldn’t stand to have him near me, and a 7 year relationship crumbled.
This makes me so happy. I grew up with the lead singer (we were briefly in a band together in high school, actually) and he ALWAYS creeped me out. He was my first boyfriend’s best friend, so I spent at least a year of my life going, “GOD NICK, GO AWAY. No, that girl is not in love with you. No, she’s not. NO SHE’S…
I mentioned this on the other thread, but I’ll leave it here too.
That is evidently not an unusual response. I was just talking to a new friend, who stated that Deliverance is hands down her favorite movie. After seeing y raised eyebrow, she said, “What? There’s SO MUCH CANOEING.”
Well, to be fair, she didn’t give him excessive amounts of alcohol. She just put a leeeetle bit of poison in it. Just a lil’. Just a touch.
The best part is that the artist made sure to note that the color has changed to more of a reddish brown. Just to complete the image.
okay like
Marilyn! A close friend and something of a mentor to Boy George. Also a complete, glorious degenerate. His mentions in Boy George’s autobiography are an absolute treasure.
You know? I’d try it. Why the hell not. I’ve probably had grosser things in my mouth, and at least I’d get a good story out of this one.