Why don’t more people get this?
Why don’t more people get this?
Why is being “liberal” a good thing? Liberals bomb the shit out of sovereign countries too.
It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.
As a Yankee fan, there was no one who scared me more on the mound than Halladay. Not Pedro, not Randy Johnson, nobody. I always just chalked up those Blue Jay games as losses. He was incredible.
Although he may best be remembered for his no hitter/perfect game with the Phillies, Halladay will always be a Blue Jay, especially since he was still flying south for the winter.
If the military had reported Kelley’s domestic violence conviction, he would not have been able to buy that AR. Kerr should better educate himself before opining. But we’re now in the era of there’s-a-microphone-in-my-face-so-I-must-give-my-two-cents.
Did you just tie Vin to the Third Reich here? Is that what you’re saying?
One of the grays brought this up, too, but it’s worth pointing out:
The Shooting Star Press was his finisher in developmental and the planned finish for that match. They improvised when Brock misjudged the distance.
How does a guy who basically quits his job then calls other future employers slave owners and expect to get a job. When does personal responsibility come into effect here. Have we even heard from him besides cryptic tweets in a year?
You need to get back into golf or some other form or relaxation. Your blood pressure is about the same as his.
Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL
Because we’re a Republic, not a pure Democracy. It’s an intentional means to balance the will of the majority against the needs of minorities. It’s not perfect, but if made the Senate proportionate, and eliminated the Electoral College(I know you didn’t say that, but it’s a related issue,) Wyoming and Vermont would be…
How we proportion senators? What better system is there than two from every state?
“Dear Diary,
Those predictions were coming from people who have not watched Floyd Mayweather fight, I guess. The knowledgeable predictions I read and heard were that if Floyd wanted to, he could knock Conor out early, but that, being Floyd Mayweather, he would string McGregor along until they’d both outlasted all the actual risk…
“For Travis—and for the largely conservative publications that quickly aggregated his coverage, including Breitbart and the Washington Times—it was a sign of ESPN blindly bowing to political-correctness..”
I know most here will disagree but the widespread rush to renounce the idea that ESPN’s declining popularity could be due to its liberal-bent is extremely telling. It was a constant refrain during the lay offs earlier this year. It is so important to you to abolish the very appearance of a conservative movement that…
It was cool how you found a way to diminish the idiocy of ESPN’s decision while blaming those reporting the change for the reaction it caused. Very adept. This site’s ability to discern who gets the benefit of the doubt and who doesn’t is never surprising.