
I was watching the gif at the top thinking “OMG Just jump forward!” for at least 1 minute before I realized I’m a freaking idiot. :’(

Wait... there are still 7.1 Million People who are playing WoW?

That’s pretty impressive!

Gahd damnit man!

The twist was very unique ... at least it was for me.

I think the 4th arc is where the Stand powers get really unique.

Actually, that’s the bumper ;)

Plot Twist!
This entire conversation was not about Bloodborne or video games D:

One thing I learnt a long time ago is that no choice or decision will ever have everybody on the same side. There will always be people who oppose something, it just depends on who you want to help out (or upset) :)

Barrymore got some Krispy Kreme, which is fine. Though, my personal recommendation would be Mister Donut. Mister Donut is so fucking good.

LOL! ... I can't believe this is the one I laughed at the hardest. I miss the days when everyone had terrible screen names like "xXxSSJGundam20239xXx"

I know Pokemon is great and all but... do you actually enjoy the Combat components of that series? It's got a lot going for it, but I don't think people buy a pokemon game for it's combat.

Yup, if you want phone or internet, you might as well bend over now or pay to live in the middle of downtown for proper service!

I went to South Korea and Japan last year, and regular people there definitely know way more english than we know Korean or Japanese! It was pretty damn impressive, even if it was pretty broken.

Dude... Sammo is sooooo fast for his size & age. It's ridiculous!

The Raid: Redemption (2011)

Wait wtf? DID HE BEAT THE TIME?! OMG I must know!

My Gahd, I love this movie! Tony Jaa!

This is canon, as revealed in Danganronpa 2

Is this gonna be another one of those "anime is so moe" articles? :P

Man, I remember watching Haloid all those years ago. It was like Xiao Xiao, but in 3D with awesome video game characters! :(