Haha, I remember feeling horrible when that happened! First time I ever encountered anything like that too.
Haha, I remember feeling horrible when that happened! First time I ever encountered anything like that too.
Another thing that made Chrono Trigger so special to me at the time was the concepts they played with in the story. It was thing I encountered that explained the concept of Time Travel. Just thinking about time and how vast the world is completely blew my mind.
Oh! I did the exact same thing!
Totally played someone's New Game + before knowing what that even was. Gotta love those old school cartridges + BlockBuster
In the recent ChinaTimes interview, Oda added, "As I'm getting older, I've slightly adjusted my sleep time. I go to bed at 8 (morning) and wake up at 12 (noon), making sure that I have 4 hours of sleep. Don't need to worry about my health, it's all fine now."
Isn't 30K peanuts compared to the stuff we see here in North America?
I'm pretty sure a secret cruise ship or house/property is more than 30K :P
Naw. The story in the 1st is still the best. Probably the best out of all of Suda51's games since.
That part of FF7 was pretty violent for me back then. I think I was about 11 or 12 years old then. However, the thing that freaked me out the most was the Shinra building being covered in blood and Sephiroth taking Jenova's head. That stuff wasn't even in a cutscene :P
Yyeah. I had the same reaction at that point of the game. :) It gave me goosebumps!
That Wind Waker moment was freaking amazing. I remember that :)
Ye shall be as gods!
Whaaat? It was blocked off in late April when I was there...
Oh man.. I know one of those people! It's like a mark of shame that will never leave their XBL account. Hilarious!
Watch this be inspiration for a new Nintendo IP :p
It's been long enough that I've forgotten most of the story in FF8... so this could be pretty cool to go for! :)
And then there was Hurk...
Here is a site that watches most of the online PC game stores for deals: http://isthereanydeal.com/
One thing you'll never get from Nintendo is the "we're totally focused on delivering unique entertainment experiences" nonsense-speak that plagues the rest of E3. For the most part, you get enthusiastic, mostly Japanese men and women talking about a thing they've made. It's exceptionally refreshing. It does also give…