
Link your and Twitch accounts first”

Imagine a world were special items in a game can be obtained by PLAYING the game.

It amazes me that it’s so common for games to have items programmed into the code, yet can’t be obtained unless you do something outside of the game.

You’re not entirely wrong, but still. Wait till the thing is released before ordering.

Rockstar: Won’t even let me use my actual name. For some reason thinks it uses a banned word.

In a way. If I recall, installing the new one didn’t uninstall or overwrite Origin.

Gotta pay for another Cosby suite somehow

This is not a bug, this is a feature.

Everything on the internet is ephemeral; eventually, greed takes down every site, every service, every game....

I think you’re misunderstanding how ChatGPT works. *Training* AI/ML models is a very power intensive process for sure. But once the model is trained, power consumption comes down dramatically. ChatGPTs power consumption probably is extraordinarily high, but that’s because it’s getting re-trained fairly regularly and

I never played the games myself though I sort of want to, but I watched Mandalore’s reviews of them and the story the games tell is just fucking incredible. The stuff they pulled off storywise in that game is such a facet of the insanely far flung speculative fiction that was all over the place in the 90's that seems

I’m not usually that guy but this is the third article about a trailer for a remake of a game that is about as related to the original as current Atari is to original Atari. Enough already! And get off my lawn!

It looks like Destiny tho. I still think Marathon is a bad choice since there is baggage there. I do think their other previous game Pathways into Darkness would be a better choice for an extraction shooter, since there is already kind of a lore reason for a bunch of dudes going into a pyramid to get loot from some

Waaaait a minute, they’re rebooting Marathon, probably the third- or fourth-best story in all of video a multiplayer shooter? That feels like when somebody decided Legacy of Kain should be a multiplayer thing and made Nosgoth. On one hand, the design work is amazing. On the other, don’t do this to Marathon,

So they took the amazing and insane lore that created the Marathon series and are...turning it into a GAAS PVP milk machine, got it. Welp, what’s the next IP to get ruined by late stage capitalism?

yea but it’s an extraction shooter so

Sadly, it’s very needed.

Single player shooters died with the last Medal of Honor.

Calling people on Kotaku “nerds” isn’t the insult you think it is.

“Be impressed with my ignorance” isn’t the flex you think it is

“ I never personally did, so it must not be true! “ is a dumb take.

These comments are always so dumb. The dude is mega-famous in the gaming community and tech reviews, and he’s built an extremely successful platform to the point where his company could decline a $100 million buy-out offer. He’s popular, regardless of what you—the main character, apparently—know about him.