
Especially in Texas, where they're chomping at the bit to eliminate tenure and get rid of "woke" in public education. This guy is just asking to be thrown out on the curb.

One of his students actually did that and sent it to him. Not sure how effective it was, since the professor is remaining mum (pun intended) to the press and all responses are coming from the college.

Congratulations, you just gave him the clout he so desperately craves.

I mean... no, that’s obviously not true. Some people might migrate to a cloud-only experience but there’s no way it’s going to be the majority of people. Lots of people want to own their games and lots of other people simply don’t have internet speeds needed for cloud gaming.

I mean, yeah, most people can’t wait to play Zelda at 20 fps with no antialiasing at sub-1080p resolution. Most people don’t care about that shit if the game is good.

We probably have very different definitions of Beautiful

Your mistake here was bothering with twitter/reddit/any social media based discussion. Long gone are the days of nuanced discussions on these platforms (well, in twitter’s case those days never came), and every amplified opinion is polarized, intentionally or otherwise, while everything else gets washed away.

That’s my take as well. The fact that House Slytherin is still there rings authentic to the human experience.

Honestly Rowling has done a pretty good job of evening the reputations of the four houses, if you ask me. Back in the day if you claimed to be a Slytherin, people might assume you were bigoted, or at least too self-centered to recognize oppression. But nowadays you can pretty reasonably assume that of adults who still

How can you say the shooting was unwarranted if you don’t know what it was?  Most of these “harmless pranks” for Youtube involve making people think they (or someone in their vicinity) is under attack.

I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.

Posting is his “passion,” he told the news station, so he’s intent to return to YouTube.

An attempt was made. A failed fascist policy is still a fascist policy.

Michelle Obama and George Bush didn’t strip the U.S. of Roe v Wade or hundreds of thousands of live due to covid, or anything else that’s the direct result of that orange fuckwit. So yes, that’s my mentality. And go fuck yourself.

Your two sides are a hellishly dystopian mega corporation, or literally the fourth reich. Nazis are always the worst person(s) in the room.

What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.

I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them. 

It’s why twitter *had* verified marks. Now scammers buy bluechecks.

To think for one second that lady would actually believe Kenny Chesney needed Steam cards to pay for his tours. SMDH.