
Microsoft is weaponizing the US Congress. The argument from Microsoft refers to “advanced” consoles in an effort to dismiss the Nintendo Switch and focus on Sony. I’m sure this concern will magically go away if only Sony withdraws its objections and the FCC will approve the Activision acquisition.

First off, off-topic here, what the fuck is wrong with Kotaku’s repurposed website. I can’t even make the first post without turning off my ad blocker on mobile. And the load more comments is also broken with my mobile ad blocker. Ever since the redesigned, there are things you can’t do or see unless you’re in desktop

Boosteroid has 4 million users. That's chump change compared to console sales.

that the deal is fine, that everything is cool, that Microsoft has made “thoughtful, generous remedies to address regulators’ concerns”. promised him great big sacks of cash

Hi, just a friendly reminder that Bobby Kotick is a piece of shit and the world would be better off if literally the entire fleet of Greyhound busses ran over him (and the rest of Activision-Blizzard executive leadership, for that matter).

So everyone’s cool with Activision again now?

Japanese dude here. You have to understand that Japanese people are really into a lot of Japanese series that have never seen the light of day in the US, or are very niche.

Microsoft is based in her state. Without looking up campaign donor filings, I’m going to hazard an educated guess that Microsoft has contributed to her political endeavors and she’s likely on a first name basis with theylir lobbyists. She’s saying what Microsoft would like her to say.

If only there were some sort of history between Japan and Korea that might explain why the people of Korea wouldn’t necessarily favour Japanese consoles over others to the extent that the people of Japan do...

It does not take a rocket scientist to connect the dots between Senator Cantwell’s misinformed and disingenuous remarks, to Microsoft helping keep her in office for a political eon. Love Cantwell (and Senator Murray!), and I think Microsoft does some things well, but I would prefer she not even touch this hot potato.

But they’re not doing anticompetitive things in Japan. The Xbox hasn’t failed in Japan due to shenanigans, it has failed because the Japanese market isn’t interested in it. It’s very weird to ask for an open and free market and make these allegations when...the open and free market has been saying for 20 years that

She’s a Senator from Washington state strongly taking the side of a company that employes over 50,000 people in Washington. Isn’t that how elected representation is supposed to work?

A politician was paid to put a narrowly handpicked fact, void of contextual value, on the record?

Very simple.
They canned a planned PS5 version from a studio that they acquired.
Sony doesn’t buy a studio and then take shit from Microsoft, they acquire a studio and plan new games for their own platform.

Well, partially because Sony isn’t buying up major publishers and then making their games platform-exclusive, at least not yet.

No, you’ll be able to pay it for a subscription fee on GamePass.

This deal was not done to take games away from another playerbase like that,” Spencer said. “Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games.”

Of course they did. Have we forgotten Embrace, Extend, Extinguish? Looks like they jumped right to Extinguish.

Christian actor Zachary Levi reveals it was therapy and faith in God that helped him out of the pit of depression in his new memoir, hoping it can help others facing the same situation.”

Maybe he can be a clicker or a random angry person who kills people. Plenty of those in that wonderfully wicked Last of Us universe.