If you want to boycott Bayonetta 3 and still play the game, Valve recently released a video about the Steam Deck featuring software that can help you. I would link to it but the video has since been pulled!
If you want to boycott Bayonetta 3 and still play the game, Valve recently released a video about the Steam Deck featuring software that can help you. I would link to it but the video has since been pulled!
Hey guy? That's a contract job. Who knows how much work she gets over a year? Work is work. Don't be one of THOSE people who plays labor valuation games. Don't set workers against each other. You completely undercut your own statement. ARE you "all for solidarity among workers"? Cuz it seems like maybe you aren't.
There’s no way they paid Hale 4k, she’s union and extremely experienced, she could basically name her own price. Kamiya in his typical asshole fashion is just saying Taylor is lying without any facts. This is Platinum lowballing the fuck out of Taylor expecting to get away with it because she’s non union and hoping…
And that’s why you should just cut your loses, decide to never work with them again and walk away without stirring the drama pot
VAs are increasingly talking about the shit pay they get, I think it’s good for her to continue to add to the conversation.
corporate malfeseance should always be called out. this isnt “stirring the drama pot”, its about workers’ rights!
Some things to take away from this a little bit extra:
From the QR codes to the remote downloading, these are all great additions that we’ve grown to expect from stores in the modern age.
I’m pretty sure it’s spelled “Japanse”.
So let me get this straight, when Master Chief twerks with Megan Thee Stallion it’s one of the greatest moments at TwitchCon, but when She-Hulk does it, it’s the lowest point in the MCU. Did I get that right?
I want to live in that world
The joke here is that Elo isn't an acronym, it's a man's name
I don’t see how I’m supposed to pleasure myself with these adult toys...
With 5 years of experience in multiple locations, I argued for half an hour with a Starbucks designer that the counter they were replacing ours with would slow workflow because of how it would hinder the ability to comfortably place drinks on the stand after making them. It would also cut into the frapucino prep area,…
Because corporations famously listen to their workers’ input on the subjects of work, working conditions, and wages. Somehow that doesn’t quite jive with the constant stories of union busting we see. Or just history in general.
Biblically accurate fast food mascots
Whatever it is, I hate it now because those toys are ugly as sin.
Why do they have four eyes??? Is it a reference to something? Is it a meme? I’m ordering from Wendy’s until whatever the hell this is blows over.
Cactus Plant Flea Market-style four-eyed toys of the old McDonald’s characters