
He looks...exactly like what you had in your mind when someone said “Minecraft streamer” to you.

Which is why something as perfect as this game was always too beautiful to exist in this fallen realm.

Nude chess, with all buttholes gaped open, is the only solution here. 

Having actually played through Cyberpunk, I’d disagree. I thought there was plenty of earnestness to the characters and relationships. There are plenty of quiet, contemplative moments with all of the side characters and things aren’t quite as black and white as the anime portrayed. For example, in the anime, all of

So I was one of the like...six people on the planet who didn’t hype themselves to Mars prior to the release of this game

I gotta wonder if he needs a special web cam that keeps his giant forehead and his Shrek like jaw in the same frame.

Bloomberg on Wednesday: Paedos target children on Twitch.

What the fuck is taking so long with this asshole being charged? His buddy rolled on him last year and the evidence of payments has been public about as long.

asked President Trump for a pardon relating to a sex trafficking probe underway by the U.S. Justice Department.

You know he’s just doing this so he can complain about one more platform he’s going to get himself kicked off of.

Consumers spent the last two years paying outrageous upcharges for Nvidia cards to everyone but Nvidia. So of course they think they can get away with charging that much themselves right off the bat. Crypto might be dead, or dying, but we’re still seeing the effects of that shitshow.

I never liked Saints Row much because I found the main characters pretty unlikable and almost irredeemable. But even I, who didn’t like the characters, have to admit I found the new Saints Row characters supremely unlikable and unrelatable. First of all, two of them are already working for gangs and have no problem

G2 Esports now faces a huge loss, all because its boss insisted on “partying with whoever the fuck I want.”

Anyone careening in to defend the guy is going to have to grapple with the reality that Riot Games can also party with whoever the fuck they want.

If you sit at a table with 10 Nazi’s, there’s 11 Nazi’s at the table.

It’s a shame so many innocent people are affected, but powerful shitheads suffering consequences doesn’t happen enough.

I think you’re off base on this. Some of the streamers listed were for sure affected by the misogyny and racism on the platform. What’s probably pushing this is that the misogyny, racism, etc, is coming from the audience. That’s a much thornier problem to tackle from the stream *or* Twitch level.

That is an insane stretch. Jesus...

lmao he gets paid millions per month by stake dot com... So his losses don’t really mean crap, when he takes millions on the back end deal. 

Twitch was created by a young adult to make content for other young adults. Justin Kan was ~24 when he spun started up Justin.TV and started his “lifestreams.

Twitch is not for kids, it’s barely for teenagers given it’s TOS prohibits users from under 13 from making accounts. It’s not Twitch’s fault that people break

I don’t get the hot tub stream hate.  I mean it’s not all that different that what you would see at a beach or pool.  I never watched them, but it’s not like they are running around naked.