The amount of dick riding that is happening on twitter for Tate, baffles me. And it’s all men. It’s pathetic.
The amount of dick riding that is happening on twitter for Tate, baffles me. And it’s all men. It’s pathetic.
Ya know what, it sucks you quit. But the blame is definitely on nvidia and their behavior the last few years.
Nvidia have always been assholes. I don’t envy anyone who has to work ‘with’ them.
EVGA makes other products and doesn’t make money on the GPUs, so this is not really ‘suicide’. It’s just getting out of an abusive relationship.
It’s not just that. It’s a combination of factors. You should watch the Gamers Nexus video, he goes over a lot of it.
Good. If Nioh 1 and 2 are any indication Team Ninja knows exactly how to make intricate, mechanically deep titles without stretching their resources thin on secondary needs.
“Rise of the Ronin is the 1076th game set in historical Japan to be announced this week”
As long as he gets to fuck, Sisi should be happy
Shigeru Miyamoto: “Out of an abundance of caution, we’ve decided to not air the trailer for our new game ‘The Legend of Zelda: The Queen Died LOL’ in the United Kingdom today.”
People choose the weirdest things to be offended by. You know you have issues when your biggest gripe about a game is that the characters are not horny enough, which in turn somehow makes it racist (?) towards the protagonist’s culture.
People choose the weirdest things to be offended by. You know you have issues when your biggest gripe about a game is that the characters are not horny enough, which in turn somehow makes it racist (?) towards the protagonist’s culture.
“Everyone in Jin’s world is beautiful, but no one is horny.”
Geez, if you think Ubisoft is going to learn anything positive from anyone, I've got some snake oils to sell you.
Out of all criticisms one could give GoT, not being able to have sex is the least one
Remember when GoT got near universal acclaim and the community of Tsushima made the sucker punch devs honorary ambassadors because they enjoyed what “western devs” created? Because it sure seems like Sisi doesn’t
Also Japan absolutely loved GoT.
Sounds less like Ghost of Tsushima did anything wrong, but you didn’t want to play Ghost of Tsushima. GoT was presented to everyone as a game that took place in a particular era of Japan’s history while trying to be as accurate to that era as possible. All of your complaints deal with it being fairly historically…
“Before I get into my specific gripes about Ghost, I feel compelled to note that some people have responded to the announcement of Red by commenting about how we supposedly have too many open-world games set in Japan.”
Ghost of Tsushima was superior to the most of the Assassin’s Creed games. The first few were good, then they lost their way.
If anything, they should take a good hard look at Tsushima and figure out how to improve on it.
Interesting how we’ve come full circle and the people announcing how much they actively dislike the show have become equally as annoying as the “To be fair, you need a high IQ” crowd