
Again, the goal here isn’t CoD profitability. It’s Xbox profitability. When CoD inevitably becomes MS-exclusive, PS CoD fans who don’t own an Xbox will buy an Xbox and subscribe to XBLG. CoD is simply a means to an end. MS is looking for killer apps to increase user acquisition and CoD is most certainly a killer app.

If anyone here actually believes “several years” means any number higher than two, I’ve got some ocean property in Arizona available for... that’s sale, by the way. The word is “sale.”

This, Tyler1 has mentioned he has to stream X amount a day, treats it like work which is why he rarely streams on weekends as the hours aren’t part of the contract.

Uh, why do you think MS bought Activision? Just so that they could put CoD on Game Pass? Future Activision games will inevitably become MS-exclusive. That’s what’s happened with every other acquisition. MS won’t pull existing games from other platforms and it will honor existing contracts but the end goal is

People said that about starfield. Chances are that micrisoft will continue to offer cod until they reach a point where they can get xcloud working on PS5 at which point they drop the PS5 sales and instead point playstation users to buy on the microsoft store or signup for gamepass.

The difference in tone of the responses to the Amouranth article and this one, both revolving around Twitch streamers and their choice to branch out from the medium, is instructive.

It’s your “neckbeard and body pillow” moment mate, grow up and understand the century you live in.

Who handed you a keyboard though?

I don’t know how much you know about Twitch, but it’s so much more grueling than something like Instagram or TikTok. It’s way more exhausting to be *on* for 6, 8, 10 hours in front of an audience every day than it is to post a couple 30 second videos every day.

The weird repeated insistence that this game is so horribly brutal and hard to endure is honestly weird here. I don’t know if it’s this particular writer or just kotaku’s general angle on TLOU ever since the second game kickstarted an internet war, but it just comes across hilariously pearl-clutching. I mean, this is

Give us a new Armored Core!

Granted it’s been (9?!) years since I played it, but it was hardly the darkest and most bleak tale out there.

And while that is fantastic general knowledge of a very large state, I am saying that my partner and I have an 1100 sq ft 2 bed 2 bath within walking distance of the 100T training center for $3k/mo. I kinda know the neighborhood pretty well, my guy! But to help these fellas out, here’s 38 currently available 4 bed

If you them it’s because they have “MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TESTERONE!!”.  Which I kinda hope is true because it reduces sperm and makes them prime targets for massive deadly heart attacks. 

“Exclusives are Not the future. We predict that very soon, all major Triple A games will be available on ALL platforms, once they’ve paid us the licensing fees!”

Cloudflare, protecting Nazi’s, intentionally, since 2022.

Cancel the internet.

To be fair, that is pretty much the requirement for the Spawn fan demographic. It also aligns with the annoyingly vocal part of the Mortal Kombat fanbase.

Does seem like a YMMV thing alright. I’d be interested in your thoughts on the commentary in Bastion and The Stanley Parable.

Just look at the POS who made the Rittenshithouse shooter. They know the other deplorables will flock to them in defense to appear larger than they are.