
Probably the same folks graciously lending server racks to Stormfront and Trump’s social network.

Transphobes are a fragile bunch.

I loved describing this game to one of my non-gamer friends.

Man, if there were an actual dog out there pretending to be a Nigerian Prince, I would just say, “Stop pretending - you are a good doggo, people should love you no matter what!”

Well, at least they got tricked by an actual girl, instead of the usual dog pretending to be a Nigerian Prince pretending to be a girl...

The WiiU shipped about 13 million consoles by December 2019


Of course Anime does metaverses better. They don’t have to confine themselves to real world technology!

That’s only true if you believe that Microsoft’s model will make things better for the consumer, which not everyone agrees with. Microsoft absorbing yet another large scale studio does not increase competition. Microsoft owning more of the IP market is not competition, it is consolidation. They are attempting to make

Yeah, the flow and tone of this trailer feels natural because it captures her initial situation and then her shock over being transported to Fantasy Land. The promo uses that one bit out of context, and I can see how it sounds wonky if you don’t know the premise. Not worth all this mocking tho, since it’s really easy

Quite. The shame this poor woman’s mother would be feeling were she real, I cannot bare the thought!

Game looks fun and I thought the trailer was fine in that it got me interested in the game. *shrugs*

Name checks out.

“This site is a joke any more”

I am sure they have a number of other digital storefronts, including their owns, through which they already sell what they publish. The problem for them is that they are being kicked out of the biggest store in town.

Keep crying about vegans, imaginary embryos and the evil cabal of women like Amber Heard you fucking incel. Nobody cares about you and nobody ever will.

I love all the ads on this site, which have become more and more intrusive over time. But the best part is when things like this happen:

Is there some sort of rule that Kotaku has to post a horny article every day?  

Is this Ethan admitting he’s horny for produce, because I find nothing horny about any of this.

I’m sorry, that’s neither a cucumber nor an eggplant. That is wholly a zucchini.