
“To bust a cap, precisely where a wizard means to, Master Samwise"

I mean, we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic that’s impacting production across multiple industries. We see it with the PS5 and with graphics cards; it’s part of the reason many stores are having trouble keeping some products in stock. I don’t think that points to rushing or deserved roasting.

I really respect Valve for giving details as to *why* this mod would cause problems. Not just “we do not recommend making modifications” boilerplate response, but details on the thermal pads and power draw. I really get the impression that they tried to fit a 2242 m.2 in there themselves in the design process and

Valve wants people’s decks to last as long as they can. It’s in their best interests and also avoids the utter fiascos we’ve had with consoles over the last 15-20 years which leads to angry customers, lawsuits and loss of customer trust.

Have you never heard of Zines before?

They’ve existed forever. People regularly put these together, especially people who ship characters.

Star Trek fans made these things in the 80s etc. 

The “I’ll defend your right to ___ to the death” fuckers are nowhere to be found today.

Got the first internal email from a higher up at my company with empty platitudes. A company that is on track to spend more on lobbying this year than any year before. Made me wanna throw my computer out the window.

The man is literally a straight-to-DVD Barbie movie villain:

The only thing I’m surprised here is by Cruz claiming to be a gamer. More to the point, that title image is disturbing. Did you really need to plaster his face there? It’s honestly surprising how much discomfort it conveys.

It is if your penis is out when you do it...

I’ve pointed out before that Elon has been mocking pronouns on twitter for years. This is and always has been an anti-trans dogwhistle. The fact that he has a trans daughter makes it even more disgusting. I imagine those tweets were aimed at her. What a monster.

He supports trans, but his current choice for President 2024.... Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis.

Fuck, I didn’t even think about that. I wonder how long his daughter has been out to him, and how that timeline maps on to him being transphobic on twitter. What a nightmare of a person.

And Vivian didn’t specify what exactly she hates so much about her dad.

I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare” -

My biggest takeaway:

Nope. Listen, I’ve loved Diablo from day 1, played Hellfire, used to wake up before school to grind for runes in D2, and enjoyed D3 post auction house, but there is no way in hell I’m downloading Immortal. Yeah, I could play for free, but number of downloads is still a metric Blizzard uses; number of “potential

That just hurt like a 9 second charged Turn Punch from Balrog.  

Thing is that the gaming subculture you describe wasn’t in opposition to “jock culture” it was in competition. That type of gaming culture is conceptualised on an air of entitlement and grievance and was and is just as sexist and homophobic as “jock culture”. So ofc when gaming got popular these merged which resulted

Fashion-Souls is and forever will be an acceptable way to play these games.