
What the fuck are they exploiting you idiot this is a televised trial that’s already been watched and talked about by millions anyway. They are not exploiting anything, you think Jonny fucking Depp gives a shit that someone is putting their webcam at the transmision. No he does not, he wants justice against Amber

What, are the Kinja websites the only ones allowed to capitalize on the trial? 

Honestly, it’s less that you’re pro-Russian and more that your comment is the same kind of comment that pro-Russian ‘bots’ would use to try and redirect arguments to a topic that is technically unrelated. While your comment is accurate, thanks to the internet, it just comes off as you trying to be the smartest person

Russians seems to personally imploding over the Ukraine war in a fashion very very similar to how GOPers lost their minds over Trump’s loss. It became this weird doubling down on their belief system that leaks into every aspect of their lives whether the situation calls for it or not.

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You should comment less, comrade.

“Listen, Russia should be allowed to invade and occupy a sovereign nation, bomb schools and hospitals, and murder thousands upon thousands of innocent people in horrific manners to further the interests of Vladimir Putin and line the pockets of Russian billionaires, because the US has done shitty things too.” Yep,

To paraphrase the late Hunter S. Thompson, this whole thing sounds like what the entire western world would be doing on Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war.

How insecure do you have to be so that you need a full-on conference to validate your unearned primacy in society and allay that diminished sense of self-worth when you see someone with skin even slightly darker than a sheet of printer paper ask for equality? This just screams of little dick energy. Not that there’s

That video looks like a KISS concert with a truck subbing in for Gene Simmons…

How about you actually read what I wrote you drooling fuckwit.


Tucker Carlson had a former Abercrombie store manager on his show to advise men to tan their balls using infrared light as a way to up their testosterone levels—nevermind the fact that testicles hang outside the body for a very good reason”

Sounds pretty gay to me.

so uh I’m not sure if you’re aware but the Spartan Mk IV Milking Module is actually a real piece of dairy equipment lmao

Jesus Christ, “employees”, “quotas”, etc., that’s the last thing I want to hear about playing a game.

fuckin dairy nerd. i had to google that before realizing what you’d done.

Tom, you have vastly more experience with buying cars than I do. I’ve bought less than twenty cars in my life, and only one at a Nissan dealer. This event was two weeks ago, and it was remarkable enough for me to want to remark on it. I’ve been browsing ads for a later model Grand Cherokee for a few weeks. Don’t