
Probably as soon as he entered the Kurtzman’s universe

Nope, not an April Fools joke: some people truly are that fucking pathetic.

Yeah, but nobody really gives a fuck about writing about us.

“has any single dollar I’ve ever spent not gone to reward assholes?”

I do not know,

Bad analogy is bad.

While that may be true in general, I task you to find the microtransactions in Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon 2, etc.

I mean, fair. We all know that Microsoft is able to do the “Day 1" launch because they have more money than God to burn.

I get it. If their first party games are still selling ten million plus copies at $60-70 a pop, why mess with a good thing.

Now playing

If anyone were looking for a legitimate reason to (lovingly) pile on Will Smith on Twitter — and please don’t — you could do far worse than his pronunciation of “executable.”

Authors can write about whatever they want to write about. Not every article on Kotaku is about games, just like not every article on Jalopnik and The Takeout are strictly about cars or food.

PSA: Playing an boxer in a movie does not make one a boxer in real life.

Lol poor Will. Looking forward to hearing about this on the next Tech Pod.

This reminds me of the Twitter user “MattGertz”, who got so tired of being mistaken for a certain South Florida kiddie-diddling congressman, that he added “Definitely not the GOP congressman” to his bio.

Same with the big lions with the giant swords for front paws!

If Twitch expects people to keep a list of others Twitch has un-personed, and freaks out like some psycho ex because they saw their face, then Twitch can also give a damn reason for what it’s doing.

Hey, if I didn’t invite you to my game for a PvP battle then you get what you deserve.  Stop invading people that are just trying to play co-op.  I know, I know... blah blah that’s how these games have always been.  But I personally fucking hate it.  

No, that’s gaslighting and bait. There’s also thick hypocrisy within your own statement; if you actually believe it in its entirety.

I didn’t vote for Blackburn and she is one of the rare “women” that I will cheerfully call a c*nt.

Blackburn: Rather than defending our girls, those in power are teaching them that their voices don’t matter.