
Why do people keep calling this an immersive sim lol

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there’s a great reason why PC games don’t permanently pre-cache

I mean I get being cynical, but GSC is based out of Kyiv made the game is made by Ukrainian developers. Its not like they are in another country trying to cash on in the Ukraine support.

Gaming blog site posts articles about popular game. In other news, water is wet.

Personally I like my aspirational fiction to be something I actually want to happen.  I guess it can be for a conservative if they root for the Ferengi. 

Weird, I didn’t know that Palmer Luckey had an underage sister.

I usually get "it's to protect from splatter", as if these clowns have never heard of MRSA or literally any virus ever.

Domina soon to be backed by Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rohan as they fellate each other on the JRE Podcast.

He sounds like all of my neighbors (I live in Arizona.) I lost my anti vaxx mother who I haven’t talked to in two decades because she turned into a white supremacist and a close friend last year to covid. I mentioned it to my anti vax neighbor who then told me that science is just propaganda as I'm telling him my

It’s got a real “preserve your seed for energy” bullshit you see a lot in the MRA and Incel communities. 

From what I understand, it’s a solo dev who just went absolutely nuts over the years, hate to see it.

Incels ranting via patchnotes is better than taking out their frustrations on real people.

Reveal you’re a transphobe who doesn’t know the first thing about the topic without saying it.

By your (non)logic, minors should not receive any sort of medical or psychiatric care because they are not in a position to consent or to consider the health ramifications of their choices. That take is so disingenuous, and condescending to youth, to the point of being insulting.

Gender affirming healthcare doesn’t just include hrt and surgery. Puberty blockers only delay the onset of puberty changes, which can give teenagers the time to explore their identity without the onset of physical changes that cannot be reversed.

In this case though you’re talking about gender affirming care that parents are fully aware of and presumably is being done at the direction of a clinician who has evaluated the case of gender dysphoria and recommended the course of treatment.

I find it important to note, about these anti-trans bills: They aren’t simply against trans people / children.

Exactly, better and better!