Mersereau Guilt

Seems she’s a fan of the virulently homophobic, virulently antisemitic Farrakhan. Hasn’t the March been down this road already?

She’s quotied Hamas’ infamous slogan that calls for the destruction of Israel, which is her right of course, but maybe not who you want on the board of what’s supposed to be an inclusive movement? As it doesn’t make many American Jews who want to take part in the march feel welcome (as a large majority of American

If you see something, and you have the savvy and insight of a psychiatrist, say something.

Simmons: Right.

In Gladwell’s defense, the Penn State coaching staff and administration probably spent more than 10,000 hours raping children and ignoring it, so he’d have to reject the entire premise of one of his own books if he didn’t recognize their expertise in the field.

American athletics is set up to tell the story of men”. So what you’re telling me, is that accusing a football player of rape means the coverage of the FOOTBALL GAME, must focus around the story, background, history of the accuser, and NOT the FOOTBALL GAME.

I think we can all agree that the most egregious thing in all of this, is the way that he spells “lien.” It took me a moment to interpret that. Thank goodness for context clues, such as "ass bitch."

You, uh, know you’re grey too right?

So wooder they all mad about exactly?

You can’t expect to misspell consequences and not face repurcushions.

Hyde: Tell me something, Chris. How exactly do you think it all ends?

My favorite part of that gif is right before the ball hits him.  His head just drops like he’s thinking “please let this kill me”.

Apparently, it’s a hustle-related outburst after getting benched. Really, considering his play and his mini-fued with Jim Palmer last season, I wouldn’t be shocked if this was the end for Chris Davis. Which is kinda sad, since he seems like he’s trying, he not good at baseball anymore.

That contract, fuck man.

Very similar to Andy Reid’s routine:

“Pro cheater" is a weird hill.

What the fuck is with that editorializing line at the end?

So you want a known cheater that has already been banned for doping to keep swimming to trash talk other racers that cant beat him because he is probably doping again? Thats a great take

So, to recap so far, Deadspin’s stance on:

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.”

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.”