hopes & prayers that whatever it is it breaks him ... and he’s left a rambling slobbering incoherent husk
hopes & prayers that whatever it is it breaks him ... and he’s left a rambling slobbering incoherent husk
Since Chinese swimmer Sun Yang won two gold medals at the 2012 Beijing Olympics, . . .
It’s Mike Pence you are talking about. If Trump were outed as a frequent patron of a sex dungeon for transsexual midgets, the equivalent Mike Pence scandal would be learning that he once kept female goats on his private ranch and sometimes tended to them on his own, outside the watchful gaze of Mother.
Burneko and I disagreed about the comparative value of the Lakers’ offers for A.D. in February vs June.
Meanwhile actual child sexual abuser Tekashi 6ix9ine has a banger with Nicki talking about how he “talk to her nice so she don’t fight back” (just to name one example of pro-rape lyrics common in contemporary pop). But yea, a song about a lady getting her fuck on despite the slut shaming world of the 1940s in which…
I dunno, I think having the words she stole permanently tattooed on her is...
As a moderate republican, I have to admit that my main argument against the godless mixed-race socialist lesbian horde is their rudeness.
What you’re forgetting is Kaep was benched because he sucked - he’s washed up, was never good. Stop with this shit.
I can’t imagine why people continue to play their alleged roles in this farsical nonsense. I suppose it’s to show up to laugh at the pale guys who haven’t had a cogent thought since they got off the teat, then high five each other for posturing before the police intervene and stop any real violence, capture the whole…
His backup played to exactly his level, and you think the reason no one will now give him $15 million per year is collusion?
That’s one of the fun things about statistics, is that they actually play on a mental blind spot in human beings. If/then conditional logic is something we’re golden at, because if/then conditional logic is great at creating quick, easy inferences that are good for survival (e.g. “if you see a bear, then climb a tree”)…
You’re right. Sorry for pointing out that you were demonstrably incorrect.
New England should have seen it coming when Derek Anderson called out “Readyyyy.... down.... HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT”
He told the audience that “the threat to our democracy does not come from one person in the White House or Republicans in Congress or big money lobbyists. The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference.”
Or you can offer candidates who make them actually want to vote...
Her articles can best be summed up with one word: Derp
As always, you continue to be the worst.
Obama does get it. He gets the reality of what it means to live in a democratic republic. He gets it much more than you. That’s for sure.