
Maybe I’m in the minority, but I thought that was a terrible finale of a weak season.

I’ve always tried to figure this out...

A video producer that gets it and leaves the music off is as rare a thing as a day at Jalopnik without a slideshow

My browser must be broken, this came across as a normal article and not some infernal slideshow.

Ke Huy Quan was also at D23 to talk about his role in season 2 of Loki, which led to this lovely picture:


Yeah, I’m going to just ahead and assume that John McClane was at the airport to pick up his wife.

I keep thinking how they missed a great opportunity by getting it so wrong with making Obi Wan Kenobi a series, and Solo a movie. Young Han’s exploits would more than make for a great multi-season TV show. He’s disconnected from the Skywalkers until ep. IV, and could have gone on to many heists and escapades before

really wish they’d just condensed this into a 2 hour movie and released it in theatres. i didn’t exactly like this but less would have been more, straight up.

I’m starting to suspect the entire genesis of this show was someone realizing “Vader never did finish that line, ‘I sense something, a presence I’ve not felt since...”.

One thing I’ve definitely liked about the Disney era is that they make sure Darth Vader is the scariest, most brutal motherfucker in the room every time he shows up.

When he dragged Obi-Wan through the fire using the Force, I was like “JESUS!!!”

Now playing

How come this one didn’t make the list?

Super Bon Bon, Super Bon Bon

I realize that this is a list of original songs written for racing games. However, back when Gran Turismo 2 came out, thanks to that game, if either “I’m Only Happy When It Rains” by Garbage or “99 Red Balloons” by Goldfinger came on the radio, I would start to sub-consciously going faster and faster.

Former N14-powered Mini Cooper S owner here, checking in for commiseration. Currently in a four-wheeled rehab center called “Lexus GX460.”

Over a decade ago, LeBron James announced that he was taking his talents to South Beach.

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

When watching the episode I kept getting distracted trying to count how many pieces of clothing Adrien Brody was wearing on his upper body. If we’re counting the hat and scarf, then I see seven(!) pieces of clothing above the waist. That’s insane.