
As the owner of a 635csi, I have to vote Crack Pipe on this one. I know how much these things cost to fix and make good, and by far the most expensive are the trim bits, some of which are almost unobtainable by now. Too much needs to be done to this car to make it worthy again. You can find better ones for just a bit

Very different cars. The Dinos are Ferraris, have alegendary engine even if a V6, are achingly beautiful, and were very influential cars. 911's are the ultimate sports car, very idiosynchratic, marvels of engineering and longevity. The 190SL is a footnote. There is a much bigger probability that the Pagoda would reach

This car will never be worth millions. It's underpowered, too common (compared to the 300SL) and has no sort of proper race or concours history (and I mean the entire model run, not just this particular car). The 190 was the SL for those who couldn't afford the more expensive and complex 300. Good luck trying to make

When this asshole stole a POS caddy full of coke in the trunk and brought it back to the hideout.

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand

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Hummers are super slow unless you’re Sean Connery, then they can outrun Ferrari 355’s.

Drive a cheaper Turbo car and you’ll get all the excitement. My BMW 118i hatch has lag (not as bad as the 80’s cars mentioned) that can catch you if you aren’t hip to it.

I finally get the new R18 headlights. They look like shit on the LMP1 but nice here.

Yep it looks just like a precursor to the big 500 SEC from the 80's, not to mention the Camargue which is also a Pininfarina design.

I think this is bullshit. It makes it seem like the whole thing is more marketing than actual competition. The WEC is a championship, and Le Mans is a race within that championship. If they don't win this year, they can come back, better, the next year, and so on. That's what real competitors do. Plus, time in the car

Smells like Bernie got involved.

This is very late but thank you so much for your reply!

Huge fan here, David!

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Hardigree drove a twin-turbo one that is the perfect answer to every complaint that Turbo engines don't sound good.

I have been in the presence of that car and allowed to bask in its awesomeness for several hours pretty much uninterrupted. It is sublime. I never thought such an early Ferrari would ever get my attention the way this car did. It was my favorite car out of Jim's whole collection and since you posted that photo you

Call it.....

This is awesome!

Send me an e-mail at mers AT bu DOT edu with what you need from me.