John Merritt

My wife and I setup a whole set of Final Fantasy Distant Worlds for our wedding. Unfortunately the DJ screwed up and could figure out how to play the stuff... so he used generic music instead. But outside of that I couldn't have asked for a better wedding, including a Chocobo Grooms cake my wife made, Bottlecaps with

Tentacle Kitty is coming out with plushes in October! If you don't know what Tentacle Kitty is, you should! Check here out here:

Spite the lack of mechanical keys, I am actually really excited about this keyboard. I own 2 mice from cyborg, the Rat 5 and the Rat 7. One for home one for work. And since I started using them I have never had any more issues with carpel tunnel. The quality of the mice is superb compared to any other mouse I've used

Someone showed that to me recently. I could see the resemblance but Tentacle Kitty is way cuter.

I'll just leave this here. Check out more at

I'll just leave this here.

I think this is fitting

I would be more interested to see someone with a bit more artistic background, Steam hasn't really been known for their elaborate or fancy UI designs ^_-

It would be interesting to see if a game development company could come up to the plate and make a OS. Could end up really badly, but who knows, could be better than windows 8 right?

Happy Tron Day! Here's a Tron Tentacle Kitty.

I see you broke their website. Congratulations! I hope one day Gizmodo successfully breaks mine as well! Seriously. Because that would be awesome.

Then lets do this!... so... we just keep commenting on this thing for as long as we can to keep it at number one?

I don't know if my comment will make it, but I will push this sucker to no end if it means they fix the comment system. They most likely won't but hey! We can dream can't I?

"no reason for the assassination" translation: Time traveling assassin succeeds in saving the future.

I find this amusing that its an issue. Get a HDTV. You can get one for pretty cheap nowadays even if its a small one. Bet you could find one on craigslist at this point. But this isn't the first time people have had issues with not owning a HDTV. What about all of the top selling first person shooters like modern

yes but what I am getting at is that I want an ACTION rpg. You hit someone, they get hit. not press a button, run over then swing at them with a chance to hit. then hit another button, wait to run up, and do it all again.

All I want is a Elder Scrolls with my friends, not a MMO with Elder Scrolls... too much to ask for?

This is, isn't it?

At first glance that guy looks really short and fat...

Lets hope that Mr. Brown takes our comments and takes back his anti-reporting report. Kickstarter is growing and it is something I really enjoy reading about. Unfortunately not all of us have the time to find the best of the bunch, that's where Gizmodo should come in!