John Merritt

No no no no. I write all this stuff and then get a chance to ask the very people who made it about it? You don’t turn down these sorts of opportunities.

So when is Wreck it Ralph 2?

Everybody can get it though, nothing is closed off to anyone. People who put the hours in to be the best in the game should be allowed a reward for that; it's like World of Warcraft, the best raiders get the best gear.

Or..... "Grandpa builds Gundam for self, pretends it's entirely for his grandson". :)

Perform oral sex on royalty?


...I'd play this.

"Gearbox replied back to me to say that the script for this particular dialogue was, in fact, locked in before the events in February where Tiny Tina was accused of being a racist character."

Tentacle Kitty Borderlands 2 Cosplay Wallpaper. Epic.