Dimatapp. that is why grape loses.
Dimatapp. that is why grape loses.
I completely agree, there is alot of random stuff on kickstarter, it would be great if Gizmodo helped weed out the "useless crap" and find the awesome stuff!
Insane! Watermelon is by far the best.
I always had the theory that if you copied the data from the brain but transfer the energy of the body from the original brain, to the new one, that the consciousness may be intact. Just a theory, but better than nothing right?
would this count as hostile attack from a foreign country? I agree, lets go to war, and take over mexico... again. Simple fact that we didn't keep the place once we had it is beyond me...
If you've never tried Takoyaki, do it. It is by far the best food on the planet. No if ands or buts about it.
Ah! I forgot about that one! good call on that one. Ya, in all reality i think that predators is kinda at the point of dying. Prometheus, very excited. Hope they brought back Giger to work on the movie.
I stand corrected. Still, Predators should stay in their own world, and keep the Aliens in theirs.
Having an Alien. Sure makes sense... and Colonial Marines too? psssshhhh! oooh ya... there in the title...
Even though AvP2 was grand and all, story wise Predators should never have mixed with the Aliens work. It all started as an Easter egg on predator 2. Then went downhill from there.
Predator? nope. not a one. This is Aliens. not AvP. theres not Alien on predator on marine combat. done. moving on. Just a bunch of badasses and bugs.
I have RAT7 original, and i have to say that this is the best mouse I've ever owned. Any other mouse on the planet causes carpal tunnel. but I've had this mouse for a year and not a single sign of any pain in my hand. If there headphones are as good as their mice, I'm sold.
*Enter Sarcastic tone here* Silly people, this is obviously Fast and Furious Phase II *End of Sarcastic Tone*
Very true, and here's something to blow your mind: Flash player can now load Unreal based games that use scaleform to use Flash as a UI. Woah.
Somehow I doubt people will be interested in killing flash when they find out that the majority of video games currently use Flash for their User Interface via ScaleForm.
Why is it that there are rioters on wall street and none at the TSA checkpoints? At some point someones going to say NO. then someone next to them will agree, leading to a riot. hopefully then that would stop all of this idiocracy.
I heard someone a while back that lying to your children about fictional characters allows them to believe in other fictional characters in their lives: Justice, Morality, etc. Not to say they don't exist in an action point of view, but when was the last time you say justice walking by?
Did anyone stop to think about the fact that even though it was mainly produced in Canada, that Austin could easily be working on some parts of the game (btw, at 9 seconds into it it shows Old Republic on the other screen)
I have the RAT7 black (White looks sweeet!) Couldn't ask for a better mouse! I have big hands so I need to have a mouse big enough to make sure my hand doesn't cramp up. This one does the trick!
I did! but they didn't let me post it for some reason... maybe it wasn't the admins who didn't approve it... maybe it was... "Them"