Wait... wasn't this called the Farscape Project?
Wait... wasn't this called the Farscape Project?
You would be happy to know that she isn't the type of tentacle monster you think she might be. She just wants a friend. ^_^
You could always check her out on DeviantArt, Comics and other amusements abounds!
Whats Rule number 34?
^_^ shirts are available
And yet, you just did ^_^
Guam Gum for the win. But what would it taste like? JFK? (Guam LOOOVES JFK)
Guam. Simply because the name rolls out of your mouth like stubbing your toe. Say it with me... Guam...
Oh... I am afraid it will be quite operational when your friends arrive...
And thus we learn from the ancient ones, The real answer is Ping.
Strap in a nerf gun into that sucker and I'm set.
Ok, yall have a point. Technically every game came from some other game, which in the end, we could all say: "Could be Pong." which could come from something else I don't even know of.
Turn this sucker into a nerf gun and life is complete.
Anyone else notice that the dropping in of supplies / weapons / etc is very similar to Section 8: Prejudice?
Did anyone stop to think that maybe Samsung funded the study to find out officially, that their products needed to be reworked? You would assume that if Samsung wanted a bias study, they would add into the contract that they couldn't use their name if the study came out negative.
Hello Cthulhu is great and all, but a cute hello kitty version of cthulhu is simply that, old characters, different style. You should take the time to check out Tentacle Kitty.