
There’s just too many indie games out now, IMO. I don’t have the time or interest to follow them or try to separate the wheat from the chaff. And there’s a LOT of chaff.

Wow, that looks ridiculous.

Wow, that looks ridiculous.

If you’re about to find Ciri, you’re not near the end yet. I finished the game at 36 on Normal difficulty... you likely won’t get the level bump.

Agreed. Though I guess I’ll get to appreciate the changes when they release the expansion(s).

Wow, slim pickings today. I check these posts daily, and I’ve never seen one so bare.

Wow, slim pickings today. I check these posts daily, and I’ve never seen one so bare.

I had a Saturn and a Dreamcast as a kid. I wish I’d kept them.

It’s not as good as some of the better games in the series (like BF or Rogue, as Bernoulli says), but that doesn’t make it bad or necessitate skipping it. I enjoyed Unity, and the price has dropped a lot recently. Give it a go if you’re a series fan.

Kind of funny to see this as a reversal of what happened with the SNES CD addon. Nintendo refuses tech, Sony grabs it and makes the PS1. Sony refuses tech, Nintendo grabs it and makes the Wii.

I wonder if that breakthrough was “The Wii U sucks, let’s wait for NX.”

How dare they take time and make sure it’s right before releasing new technology.

The first three seem like suggestions or directions, not facts.

Don’t forget uPlay! Ubisoft is begging you!

“They’ve been serious backers of the Witcher series”

Steam's client updates do not adhere to download limits you set for your games in the options. This is really annoying for those of us (like me) who are on shitty internet connections. Steam will randomly decide it's time to update, using 100% of my .8Mb/s bandwidth.

How fucking nerdy do you have to be to care?

It's about time they got around to releasing the second half.

I'm getting it just for splitscreen co-op. If you wouldn't use that, it's probably not worth rebuying imho.

As long as they keep making their systems backwards compatible, I doubt the backlash will be that huge.

I started aiming toward getting my money's worth out of games in my massive backlog and focusing on beating them in late 2012. Since then I've finished 159 games, which is huge compared to my previous track record.

Thank you. I was getting tired of seeing deals on frying pans or whatever else other non-game-related stuff you were putting on Kotaku's daily deals.

Thank you. I was getting tired of seeing deals on frying pans or whatever else other non-game-related stuff you