
Motion controls. Nintendo started, then PS and MS followed. They still suck, give me a gamepad over motion controls anyday.

Sometimes I feel like the only person who absolutely does not want to watch extended gameplay video (anything beyond 2-3 minutes) before a game is out. I'd rather experience it myself when it's ready.

I think the plates are only for non-XL models.

Can't wait. I sold my 3DS XL a few months ago (before its value drops) because I can't stand the 3D "sweet spot."

Same! XSEED deserves the support for bringing more games over from Japan that wouldn't have seen the light of day otherwise.

I agree. There came a point at about 50 hours in that I just said "screw the sidequests" and focused on finishing the story. Less simple go here, do that type quests — and more story please!

I think maybe you replied to the wrong person?

My list this year...

My wife got me a new desk for my den, a media bookshelf thing to better house my growing video game collection, Tales of Hearts R and a 16gb Vita memory card, among other things.

That Assassin's Creed 1-4 pack is NOT a deal. Its not discounted, but it's included games are, making the bundle more expensive. You should remove that link.

That Assassin's Creed 1-4 pack is NOT a deal. Its not discounted, but it's included games are, making the bundle

I'd love to see Nintendo innovation coupled with competitive, modern hardware. How could that not be a winner?

Just watching a bit of that video made me reaffirm that I don't miss WoW. How people can play the same game for 10 years is beyond me.

Yeah, the added bit of speed from sprinting on the mount while jumping lets you climb a little better than climbing unmounted.

The only use I've got out of mounts is that I've found you can climb via jumping a bit better while on them.

This is patch #4. I'm guessing that 6.7gb doesn't include the previous patches.

I'm splitting time between AC: Unity and Dragon Age Inquisition. Also playing through the first episode of Game of Thrones tonight.

What are they supposed to do? Include 2 discs. I don't see how that's difficult or even a new idea.

$651 Total.

That was my biggest gripe about the 3DS, having to hold it at a very specific angle to get the 3D to look decent.