Three questions here:
Three questions here:
Hmmm... looks like I’m going to have to get one of each and run them in SLI so I can bring balance to the force.
Sorry, we only take frothing at the mouth JRPG characters.
“The endorphin rush you get is just insane,” Meehan said. “I finally found a Shiny Moltres after 28,000 soft resets and boy I was stoked when it finally showed up.
I love that it’s a bunch of white dudes, (the ones that make up the majority of the gaming population in the US), and didn’t feel forced to include some minority to appear inclusive. There is nothing I hate more than seeing a ‘token’. Stop forcing diversity when it does not indicate the level of talent or enhance it…
they could pixel double to 2k and then upscale and it would still look better than 1080p
Today only and the second Tuesday of every month, it seems.
Today only and the second Tuesday of every month, it seems.
It’s a pop-up book. You have to flip around really fast but eventually you hit the wrong page and WHAM! A pop-up!
Well luckily I’m not married to you. Every relationship is different. We are still married, super happy, and proud of how hard we worked to get here. And honestly that’s all that matters to me.
If Konami shut down FANART of MGSV that was retweeted by Kojima, I want to know why anyone could possibly think they will be allowed to remake an entire game based on the same property that Konami itself owns?
That is literally my plan for the afternoon, haha!
Maybe it's just me but is anyone else amazed by how quickly and comprehensively inafune has eroded decades of good will?
AC Rogue was really, really good.
Can we all just appreciate, for a moment, the genius that is Jason Schreier's opening sentences to Destiny articles??
Well, aren't you guys just special. It must be your smug senses of superiority that brought you together, like two flies that landed on the same turd.
It's so trendy to bitch about Assassin's Creed, but you have to remember that every year they release a whole new game in a completely new setting with completely new characters, a full rich single player experience with side quests up the wazoo, and add several new mechanics that change how you play the game.
Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd
What a shame, I love my Vita. It has a ton of games, especially if you missed out on some PSP classics last generation. It still gets some great PS+ games every month (Dragoncrown, Fez, Guacamelee), and you can play Final Fantasy 1-10 on it in various forms (PS1 classic, PSP release, Vita HD update). Also, as much as…